Order Request Line

Order Request Line

Order Line Characteristics

Element Type Cardinality Description
lineNumber String Required Unique identifier for this order line within this order.
subscriberID String Optional Unique identifier for the subscriber for this order line.
productID String Required Product identifier for this order line.
productVersion String Optional Product version for the product for this order line.
quantity Integer Required Quantity of the product being ordered.
uom String Required Unit of measure of the product being ordered.
deliveryAddress Type Required Delivery address type.
deliveryAddress/line1 String Required Delivery address line 1.
deliveryAddress/line2 String Optional Delivery address line 2.
deliveryAddress/line3 String Optional Delivery address line 3.
deliveryAddress/locality String Required Delivery address locality.
deliveryAddress/region String Optional Delivery address region.
deliveryAddress/country String Required Delivery address country.
deliveryAddress/postcode String Required Delivery address post code.
deliveryAddress/supplementaryLocation String Optional Delivery address supplementary location.
action String Required Action for this order line. Valid values are:
  1. Provide
  2. Update
  3. Cease
actionMode String Optional Supplementary action mode for the action.
requiredByDate DateTime Optional, Choice Date and time by which this order line is required to start.
requiredOnDate DateTime Optional, Choice Date and time by which this order line is required to complete.
linkID String Optional Unique identifier used to link across order lines on this order.
inventoryID String Optional Unique identifier that identifies this order line product with an entry in an external inventory management system.
notes String Optional Order line notes.
slaID String 0-M Unique identifier for an SLA that is applied to this order line.
udf Type 0-M User defined field type.
udf/name String Required User defined field name.
udf/value String Required User defined field value.
udf/extension Type Optional Extension attributes for user-defined fields.
udf/extension/#any Any Required Any data
characteristic Type Required Characteristic type.
characteristic/name String Required Characteristic name.
characteristic/description String Required Characteristic description.
characteristic/value Type 0-M Characteristic value type.
characteristic/value/name String Required Characteristic value name.
characteristic/value/type String Required Characteristic value type.
characteristic/value/value String Optional Characteristic value.
characteristic/value/valueFrom String Optional Characteristic value from.
characteristic/value/valueTo String Optional Characteristic value to.
characteristic/value/extension Type Optional Extension attributes for user-defined fields.
characteristic/value/extension/#any Any Required Any data
characteristic/extension Type Optional Extension attributes for user-defined fields.
characteristic/extension/#any Any Required Any data
customerItemID String Optional Customer item unique identifier.
extension Type Optional Extension attributes for user-defined fields.
extension/#any Any Required Any data