
Dependencies are conditions that must be satisfied before a milestone can be considered ready. If a milestone is not yet ready, then execution might not proceed past the milestone. In the case of a start milestone, Orchestrator does not request execution of the associated plan item until all attached dependencies are satisfied. In the case of a milestone, the Process Component must halt execution at the milestone point within its internal process model until notified by Orchestrator that a milestone is ready to fire. At that point the Process Component might continue execution. This notification might occur while the Process Component is waiting at the milestone, or at any point before execution reaches the milestone.

The dependency type is as follows:

  • Point – this dependency is satisfied by some milestone in another plan item having made ready.


Point dependencies rely on the execution sequence of other plan items to be satisfied. When a parent plan item reaches to end milestone, then the dependency is satisfied. Point dependencies might use parent plan items in the current plan or in a completely different plan. If a milestone is not specified, then it is assumed that the end milestone must be made ready for the dependency to be satisfied.

A milestone might have zero to many dependencies attached and dependency type is Point. If a milestone does not have any dependencies then it is made ready immediately. Otherwise the milestone is only made ready once all dependencies are satisfied.