Data Service Configuration

This table shows the data service configuration variables and their configuration properties.

Data Service Configuration
Configuration Variable Name Configuration Property Value Description
authentication.token.signing.key 1t1s@asy Authentication token signing key
authorization.server.protocol http Authorization server protocol localhost Authorization server host
authorization.server.port 9091 Authorization server port order-management-client Authorized client ID
authorized.client.secret order-management-secret Authorized client secret
enableUniqueUDFNames false Enable unique user-defined field names
logging.config config/logback_dataservice.xml Logging configuration file path
operation.roles.getPlanDetail ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER User role for the getPlanDetail service
operation.roles.getPlanItemsDetail ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER User role for getPlanItemsDetail service
operation.roles.submitPlanItemUDFChange ROLE_ADMIN User role for submitPlanItemUDFChange service
operation.roles.submitPlanUDFChange ROLE_ADMIN User role for the submitPlanUDFChange service
redisHost localhost Redis server host for storing order related information
redisPort 6379 Redis server port for storing order related information
spring.jackson.default-property-inclusion NON_EMPTY Inclusion of properties during serialization