Product Model

Product Model

Element Type Cardinality Description
ItemSpecs Item Specification Optional Relationship information tag.
Product Product Mandatory product information tag.
affinityActionGroup Boolean Optional Valid for Conditional type only. A Boolean field containing the value true or false.
affinityActionValue String Optional AffinityActionValue is considered for grouping when AffinityActionGroup is set to true. This is valid for Conditional type only.
affinityCondition String Optional Valid for Conditional type only. A String field containing an XPATH expression that evaluates to true or false based on data is in the order.
affinityCorrelation String Optional Valid for Conditional type only. The XPATH is evaluated on the Plan data and the order data.
affinityParentGroup Boolean Optional Valid for Conditional type only. A Boolean field containing the value true or false.
affinityPlanFragments Plan Fragment Optional Affinity plan fragment.
affinityType String Optional For a plan this is the type of affinity grouping required.
characteristics Characteristic Mandatory Characteristic type.
endDate Date Time Optional End Date for the record to be effective.
incompatibleWithProduct Product Optional Incompatible relationship
plan Plan Optional Planfragment relationship tag.
planFragments Plan Fragment Optional It provides configuration information for a Process Component/Plan Fragment.
startDate Date Time Optional start Date
affinityGroup Affinity Group Optional Affinity Group
dependentOnProduct Dependent On Product Optional Reverse relationship
mustComplete Boolean Optional Must complete flag for provisioning
singleUse Boolean Optional Single use flag for provisioning
description String Optional Description of the product model
lastModifiedOn String Optional Last modified date of the record
owner String Optional owner
productId String Optional Identifier of product record
planFragmentID String Optional Identifier of planFragment record
planFragmentUniqueId_CANCEL planFragmentUniqueIdCANCEL Optional Planfragment identifier for CANCEL action
planFragmentUniqueId_CEASE planFragmentUniqueIdCEASE Optional Planfragment identifier for CEASE action
planFragmentUniqueId_PROVIDE planFragmentUniqueIdPROVIDE Optional Planfragment identifier for PROVIDE action
planFragmentUniqueId_UPDATE planFragmentUniqueIdUPDATE Optional Planfragment identifier for UPDATE action
planFragmentName String Optional Name of process component
planFragmentVersion String Optional Version of process component
record_Type String Optional Record type
errorHandler String Optional Error handler to use in case of failure
retry PlanFragmentModelRetry Optional Retry type.
section String Optional Product model section type.
actionID String Optional Unique identifier of Action record
conditional String Optional conditional
evaluationPriority String Optional Evaluation Priority
name String Optional Name of the product model.
action String Mandatory Action for the plan Item. Valid values are:
actionMode String Optional

Action mode. This is optional supplemental information to go with OrderLineAction. Valid value is: MOVE

affinity Boolean Optional Affinity value true or false
milestone Milestone Optional Milestone of the plan