Process Component Model

Process Component Model

Element Type Cardinality Description
processComponentID String Required Unique identifier for the Process Component to be executed.
processComponentName String Optional Process component name for the Process Component to be executed.
processComponentVersion String Optional Process component version for the Process Component to be executed.
processComponentType String Optional Process component type for the Process Component to be executed.
processComponentRecordType String Optional Class of processComponentType.
errorHandler String Optional Error handler to use in the event of the Process Component returning an incomplete or unsuccessful execution response message.
retry Type Optional Retry type.
retry/retryFailed Boolean Required Flag indicating that Orchestrator might retry failed plan items.
retry/retryCount Integer Required Number of times Orchestrator might retry the failed plan item before referring it to Plan Item Failed Handler for manual intervention.
retry/retryDelay Long Required Delay in msec between calls to the Process Component if the plan item is retired.
section Type 1-M Process component model section type.
section/startMilestoneID String Required Unique identifier for the start milestone that describes this section.
section/endMilestoneID String Required Unique identifier for the end milestone that describes this section.
section/typicalDuration Long Required Typical duration for this section in msec.
section/maximumDuration Long Required Maximum duration for this section in msec.