Transport-specific Parameters

tibftl transports

If type = tibftl, the extended syntax is:

   [endpoint = endpoint-name]
   [import_subscriber_name = subscriber-name]
   [import_match_string = {"fieldname1":value1,...,"fieldnameN":valueN}]
   [export_format = format-name]
   [export_constant = constant1,value1]
   [export_constant = constantN,valueN]

See TIBCO FTL Parameters for descriptions.

tibrv transports

If type = tibrv, the extended syntax is:

   [service = service]
   [network = network]
   [daemon = daemon]
   [temp_destination_timeout = seconds]
   [rv_queue_policy = [TIBRVQUEUE_DISCARD_NONE |
                    TIBRVQUEUE_DISCARD_FIRST |

See Rendezvous Parameters for descriptions.

tibrvcm transports

If type = tibrvcm, the extended syntax is:

   rv_tport = name # mandatory
   [cm_name = name]
   [ledger_file = file-name]
   [sync_ledger = true | false]
   [request_old = true | false]
   [explicit_config_only = true | false]
   [default_ttl = seconds]
   [rv_queue_policy = [TIBRVQUEUE_DISCARD_NONE |
                    TIBRVQUEUE_DISCARD_FIRST |

See Rendezvous Certified Messaging (RVCM) Parameters for descriptions.

tibss transports

If type = tibss, the extended syntax is:

   [username = name]
   [password = password]
   [server_names = single_or_list_of_servers]
   [project = name]
   [delivery_mode = best_effort | gmd_all | gmd_some | ordered]
   [lb_mode = none | round_robin | weighted | sorted]
   [override_lb_mode = enable | disable]
   [gmd_file_delete = enable | disable]
   [import_ss_headers = none | type_num | all]
   [preserve_gmd = always | receivers | never]

See SmartSockets Parameters for descriptions.


  type = tibftl
  endpoint = EP1
  import_subscriber_name = sub1
  import_match_string = {"f1":"foo","f2":true}
  export_format = format-1
  export_constant = constant1,value1
  export_constant = constant2,value2
  export_constant = constant3,value3

   type = tibrv
   topic_import_dm = TIBEMS_RELIABLE
   queue_import_dm = TIBEMS_PERSISTENT
   service = 7780
   network = lan0
   daemon = tcp:host5:7885

   type = tibrvcm
   export_headers = true
   export_properties = true
   rv_tport = RV02
   cm_name = RVCMTrans1
   ledger_file =
   sync_ledger = true
   request_old = true
   default_ttl = 600

   type = tibss
   server_names = tcp:rtHost2A:5555, ssl:rtHost2B:5571
   username = emsServer6
   password = myPasswd
   project = mfg_process_control
   override_lb_mode = enable
   delivery_mode = gmd_some

   type = tibrv
   topic_import_dm = TIBEMS_PERSISTENT
   queue_import_dm = TIBEMS_PERSISTENT
   service = 7780
   network = lan0
   daemon = tcp:host5:7885
   rv_queue_policy = TIBRVQUEUE_DISCARD_LAST:10000:100