show connections

show connections [type=q|t|s] [host=hostname] [user=username] [version] [address] [counts] [full]

Show connections between clients and server. The table show connections (description of output fields) describes the output.

The type parameter selects the subset of connections to display as shown in the following table. The host and user parameters can further narrow the output to only those connections involving a specific host or user. When the version flag is present, the display includes the client’s version number.

If the address parameter is specified, then the IP address is printed in the output table. If the counts parameter is specified, then number of producers, consumers and temporary destinations are printed. Specifying the full parameter prints all of the available information.

Type Description
type=q Show queue connections only.
type=t Show topic connections only.
type=s Show system connections only.
absent Show queue and topic connections, but not system connections.
show connections (description of output fields)
Heading Description
L The type of client. Can be one of the following:
  • J — Java client
  • C — C client
  • # — C# client
  • - — unknown system connection
Version The EMS version of the client.
ID Unique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a unique, numeric ID that can be used to delete the connection.
FSXT Connection type information.

The F column displays whether the connection is fault-tolerant.

  • - — not a fault-tolerant connection, that is, this connection has no alternative URLs
  • + — fault-tolerant connection, that is, this connection has alternative URLs

The S column displays whether the connection uses SSL.

  • - — connection is not SSL
  • + — connection is SSL

The X column displays whether the connection is an XA or MS DTC transaction.

  • - — connection is not XA or MS DTC
  • + — connection is either an XA or MS DTC connection

The T column displays the connection type.

  • C — generic user connection
  • T — user TopicConnection
  • Q — user QueueConnection
  • A — administrative connection
  • R — system connection to another route server
  • F — system connection to the fault-tolerant server
S Connection started status, + if started, - if stopped.
IP Address Shows client IP address.

The address or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

Port The ephemeral port used by the client on the client machine.

The address or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

Host Connection's host name. (If the name is not available, this column displays the host’s IP address.)
Address Connection's IP address.

If you supply the keyword address, then the table includes this column.

User Connection user name. If a user name was not provided when the connection was created, it is assigned the default user name anonymous.
ClientID Client ID of the connection.
Sess Number of sessions on this connection.
Prod Number of producers on this connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

Cons Number of consumers on this connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

TmpT Number of temporary topics created by this connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

TmpQ Number of temporary queues created by this connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

Uncomm Number of messages in uncommitted transactions on the connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

UncommSize The combined size, in bytes, of messages in uncommitted transactions on the connection.

The counts or full parameter must be specified to display this field.

Uptime Time that the connection has been in effect.