Installation FAQs and Troubleshooting
You might find answers to questions and potential issues you may face during the installation or uninstallation procedure.
Run Out of Disk Space
The installer calculates the disk space required in product home location, for the selected components. The calculation is done before the actual installation (copying of files to system) begins. The installer proceeds only if sufficient free disk space is available in product home location.
However, if disk space is consumed by another process while the installer is copying the files, and if the required disk space is thereby reduced, then the installer might fail and gives a failure message.
Solution: While performing installation, avoid running other processes that consume disk space in product home location.
DISPLAY Variable on UNIX platforms for GUI Mode
The installer on UNIX must open an additional window, generally for graphics. It uses the DISPLAY environment variable to tell it on what computer to open the window. If the environment variable is not set, the installer will either wait or abort after displaying:
InstallShield Wizard Initializing InstallShield Wizard... Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine... ................................... ................................... ........
The DISPLAY variable must be set to the IP address or name of the computer (on which the installer graphics window are to be displayed), followed by a screen address, which can be :0.0. For example:
# Bourne shell DISPLAY=<ip_address>:0.0; export DISPLAY
# Korn shell export DISPLAY=<ip_address>:0.0
# C-shell setenv DISPLAY <ip_address>:0.0
For example, consider a scenario where you need to install the adapter on a remote HP-UX machine (named itaska). Because you have a Solaris machine (named alaska) that has a video card and monitor installed, you can run an X Window application on it. So you decide to telnet to itaska from alaska.
When you telnet to itaska, you will not get access to itaska 's monitor and will be unable to display an X Window application. That is why you must set the DISPLAY variable, which instructs the X-Server to redirect all windows to the computer set in the variable. Before doing so, the computer (specified in the DISPLAY variable) must give permissions to share its monitor.
alaska> xhost + # give permission for all to its share monitor alaska> telnet itaska Welcome to HP-UX itaska 11.00 User: Password: itaska> export DISPLAY=alaska:0.0 # set display on alaska itaska> ./TIBCOUniversalInstaller-hpux-ia64.bin