Create a Bridge

Bridges are configured using the bridges.conf configuration file.

You specify a bridge using the following syntax:

   destinationType=destinationToBridgeTo selector="messageSelector"

where destinationType is the type of the destination (either topic or queue), destinationName is the name of the destination from which you wish to create a bridge, destinationToBridgeTo is the name of the destination you wish to create a bridge to, and selector="messsgeSelector" is an optional message selector to specify the subset of messages the destination should receive.

Each destinationName can specify wildcards, and therefore any destination matching the pattern will have the specified bridge. Each destinationName can specify more than one destinationToBridgeTo.

For example, the bridges illustrated in the images Bridging a topic to a queue and Bridging a topic to multiple destinations would be specified as the following in bridges.conf:


Specifying a message selector on a bridged destination is described in the following section.

Note: Deleting the source destination or a target destination of a bridge is prohibited. The server prevents you from deleting the source destination, however it does not prevent you from deleting a target destination. Regardless, prior to deleting a destination that is the source or target of a bridge, you must first remove the bridge.