Client Properties
The client properties are used by the sample client program shipped with the product. The ActiveMatrix probe for TIBCO Service Performance Manager exposes a set of API properties that may be different from the set of client properties.
The client properties are only documented for sake of demonstrating the client API configuration capabilities.
The file includes a subset of the following client properties.
Property | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
rta.client.connection.username | Yes | Specifies username of metric engine. | |
rta.client.connection.password | Yes | Specifies password for metric engine. | |
rta.client.jms.jndi.contextfactory | No | com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory | Specifies context factory class for the JMS provider |
rta.client.jms.jndi.url | No | tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 | Specifies JMS JNDI URL |
rta.client.jms.queueconnectionfactory | No | SPMQueueConnectionFactory | Queue connection factory name. Needs to be pre-created |
rta.client.jms.inbound.queue | No | spm.inbound.queue | Queue name on JMS to perform sync/async operations |
rta.client.jms.outbound.queue | No | spm.outbound.queue | Queue name on JMS for client to receive notifications from metric engine |
rta.client.taskmgr.threadpool.size | No | 5 | Number of threads to be used for fact publishing per session |
rta.client.taskmgr.threadpool.keepalive.time | No | 60 | Specifies the time (in seconds) to keep alive the task manager threads. When this time elapses, idle threads time out. |
rta.client.fact.queue.depth | No | 100 | Defines the queue depth for the internal queue for batching facts |
rta.client.fact.batch.size | No | 1 | Number of facts to batch before publishing to the server |
rta.client.fact.eviction.enabled | No | true | Enable or disable async eviction of facts once the queue depth is full.
When disabled, eviction is done by thread putting the fact. Disabling it may result in more facts being lost if the fact batch size is high and the put rate is more than the consumption rate. |
rta.client.fact.eviction.frequency | No | 100 | You can set this property only if rta.client.fact.eviction.enabled is set to true. |
rta.client.fact.batch.expiry | No | 5 | Defines the amount of time in seconds to wait to flush residual facts if the batch size condition is not met. |
rta.client.heartbeat.interval | No | 60 * 1000 | Specifies time interval in milliseconds used by named client sessions to send heartbeat | | No | 1000 | Time interval in milliseconds used for ping with the server. |
rta.client.retry.count | No | 3 | Maximum retries for an operation in case it fails |
rta.client.retry.wait | No | 1000 | Time in milliseconds to wait before retrying the operation |
rta.client.sync.response.timeout | No | 10000 | Time in milliseconds to wait for the rta engine to wait for the server to send a response for a sync operation like query registration |
rta.client.sync.jms.msg.expiry | No | 5 * 60000 = 300000 | Time in milliseconds for the JMS provider to keep a message before it expires |
rta.client.logmanager.class | No | "com.tibco.rta.log.impl.DefaultLogManager" | Specifies external log manager impl.
* @see com.tibco.rta.log.LogManager * @see com.tibco.rta.log.LogManagerFactory |
rta.client.async.dispatcher.max.pool.size | No | 2147483647 | The thread pool used for dispatching results from outbound queue to clients. For instance, streaming queries/commands. |
rta.client.async.dispatcher.timeout | No | 300000 | The thread pool used for dispatching results from outbound queue to clients has an idle timeout in milliseconds. |
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