Defining Exchange Variables

Exchange variables are defined in the Advanced section of the properties view of a mediation operation.


  1. Select a mediation operation in the mediation editor.
  2. Expand the Advanced option from the General tab.
  3. Specify a schema for the exchange variable in the Exchange Variable Schema field.
    Set Exchange Variable supports only XSD elements, so the schema definition for the exchange variable must be stored in an XSD within your workspace.
    You can use the following options to create an XSD (XML schema definition).
  4. Use the following chices to create an XSD (XML schema definition).
    Starting Point Procedure
    Browse button

    Use the simple XSD editor with the Create button.

    See Creating Simple Schemas for information about the Simplified Schema Editor that opens when you click the Create button.

    TIBCO Business Studio

    Use the XSD editor.

    See the Eclipse documentation, XSD Developer Guide, for more information about the XSD editor in TIBCO Business Studio.

    XSD editor plug-in Use your own plug-in.