Composite Components

There are composite components available that combine more than one component into a single component.

The available composite components are:

Composite Component Properties

When setting properties on a composite component, you must drill down to the underlying component itself:

Properties are set on the underlying component, not on the composite component.

Note: The Data View Results composite is an exception; you can set properties on the Data View Results component. For more information, see Data View Results Component Properties.

Composite Component Events

A composite component can subscribe to events published by other components.

However, the underlying components cannot subscribe to events.

Also, the composite component itself does not publish events — the underlying components do. Therefore, if another component in your application wants to subscribe to events from the composite, it must actually subscribe to events from the underlying component (note that the preview pane does not publish events).

1 As of version 4.0 of Workspace, "data views" are now called "case views". Although, in General Interface Builder, the term "data view" is still used, the component appears as a "case view" in the application.