Event Attributes

This topic lists all attributes available as display columns in views of events.

The table below identifies which attributes may be used to sort and filter the view.

id Label/Header Filterable Sortable
actionPrivilege System action privilege No No
actionType Action type No No
activityCallBackTimeStamp Activity callback time stamp No No
activityId Activity ID No No
activityName Activity name No No
allocationMethod Allocation method No No
applicationActivityInstanceId Application activity instance ID Yes Yes
applicationActivityModelId Application activity model ID Yes Yes
applicationActivityName Application activity name Yes Yes
applicationId Application ID No No
applicationName Application name Yes Yes
arrivalTime Arrival time No No
assocQualifier Association qualifier No No
attribute1 Attribute1 No No
attribute10 Attribute10 No No
attribute11 Attribute11 No No
attribute12 Attribute12 No No
attribute13 Attribute13 No No
attribute14 Attribute14 No No
attribute15 Attribute15 No No
attribute16 Attribute16 No No
attribute17 Attribute17 No No
attribute18 Attribute18 No No
attribute19 Attribute19 No No
attribute2 Attribute2 No No
attribute20 Attribute20 No No
attribute21 Attribute21 No No
attribute22 Attribute22 No No
attribute23 Attribute23 No No
attribute24 Attribute24 No No
attribute25 Attribute25 No No
attribute26 Attribute26 No No
attribute27 Attribute27 No No
attribute28 Attribute28 No No
attribute29 Attribute29 No No
attribute3 Attribute3 No No
attribute30 Attribute30 No No
attribute31 Attribute31 No No
attribute32 Attribute32 No No
attribute33 Attribute33 No No
attribute34 Attribute34 No No
attribute35 Attribute35 No No
attribute36 Attribute36 No No
attribute37 Attribute37 No No
attribute38 Attribute38 No No
attribute39 Attribute39 No No
attribute4 Attribute4 No No
attribute40 Attribute40 No No
attribute5 Attribute5 No No
attribute6 Attribute6 No No
attribute7 Attribute7 No No
attribute8 Attribute8 No No
attribute9 Attribute9 No No
authorization Authorization No No
baseDeployDirectory Base deployment directory No No
baseDeployLocation Base deployment location No No
bdsQuery BDS query No No
bodyLocation Body location No No
brmFieldName Field name No No
bundleClassLoader Bundle class loader No No
businessAttribute Business attribute No No
cacheKey Cache key No No
cacheSizeLimit Cache size limit No No
caseReference Case reference No No
caseSearchTag Case search tag No No
channelId Channel ID Yes Yes
channelType Channel type No No
char Character No No
childNumber Child number No No
children Children No No
classLoader Class loader No No
cleanupInterval Cleanup interval No No
clientIPAddr Client IP Address No No
clientReferer Client referer No No
clientSessionId Client session ID No No
clientUserAgent Client user agent No No
componentClassName Component class name No No
componentId Component ID Yes Yes
compositeApplicationName Composite application name No No
containerCount LDAP container count No No
containerDescription LDAP container description No No
containerMappingString LDAP container mapping string No No
contextId Context ID Yes Yes
correlationId Correlation ID Yes Yes
createdBy Creation user No No
createdDate Created date No No
creationTime Creation time Yes Yes
criteria Criteria No No
currentCacheSize Current cache size No No
dacAllTimeIsWorkingTime All time working time No No
dacCalendarEntryGuid Calendar entry GUID No No
dacFreeBusyDuration Free/busy duration No No
dacFreeBusyEnd Free/busy end time No No
dacFreeBusyStart Free/busy start time No No
dacFreeBusyType Free busy type No No
dacRequestXml DAC request xml No No
dacResponseXml DAC response xml No No
dbErrorMsg Failed database query No No
defaultValue Default business parameter value No No
deployDate Deploy date No No
deploymentMessage Deployment message No No
deploymentUrl Deployment URL No No
deployUrl Deployed artifact URL No No
depth Depth No No
description Description No No
diagNostic DiagNostic info No No
directory Directory No No
distinct Distinct No No
ecQueryFilter Event collector query No No
entities Resource entity GUID Yes Yes
entitiesFound Entities found No No
entitiesToProcess Entities to process No No
entity Entity No No
entityId Entity ID Yes Yes
entityName Entity name No No
entityType Entity type Yes Yes
environmentId Environment ID No No
environmentName Environment name No No
eventType Event type No No
expirationTime Expiration time No No
expressionsFound Expressions found No No
extendedMessage Extended message No No
fieldName Field name No No
fileUrl External file URL No No
filterElement Filter element No No
filterPrivilegeElement Filter privilege element No No
filterQualifierElement Filter qualifier element No No
firstExecution First execution No No
formBaseUrl Form base URL No No
foundEscape Found escape No No
foundMetaDataType Found meta data type No No
foundWildcard Found wildcard No No
genericLogMessage Generic log message No No
globalCacheTimeout Global cache timeout No No
guid GUID No No
hasMoreResults Has more results No No
host Host No No
hostAddress Host address Yes Yes
hostName Host name Yes Yes
hostTaskName Host task name No No
hostTaskType Host task type No No
httpExtenderName HTTP extender name No No
httpRequestAttName HTTP binding attributes No No
id Event ID Yes Yes
immediateChildreNonly Immediate children only No No
index Generic index No No
interruptsMainFlow Interrupts main flow No No
isEnableCleanupThread Enable cleanup thread No No
isPrimary Primary LDAP resource No No
isValid Valid value No No
iteration Iteration No No
iterationId Iteration ID No No
lastAccess Last LDAP access No No
ldapAlias LDAP alias No No
ldapAttribute LDAP attribute No No
ldapAttributeValue LDAP attribute value No No
ldapContainer LDAP container No No
ldapDisplayAttributes LDAP resources/attributes No No
ldapDisplayFields LDAP display fields No No
ldapDn LDAP DN No No
ldapFilter LDAP filter No No
ldapResources LDAP resources No No
ldapSearchResultList LDAP search results No No
ldapsearchscope LDAP search scope No No
ldapSearchString LDAP search string No No
ldapSource LDAP source No No
lineNumber Line number No No
Links Event Links No No
localValue Local value No No
localValueN Normalized local value No No
mailHostFile Host mail file No No
majorVersion Major version No No
managedObjectDescription Managed object description No No
managedObjectDetails Managed object details No No
managedObjectId Managed object ID Yes Yes
managedObjectName Managed object name Yes Yes
managedObjectStatus Managed object status Yes Yes
managedObjectType Managed object type Yes Yes
managedObjectUrl Managed object URL No No
managedObjectVersion Managed object version Yes Yes
maxPageSize Maximum page size No No
message Message Yes Yes
messageCategory Message category Yes Yes
messageContent Message contents No No
messageId Message ID Yes Yes
messageText Message text No No
methodId Method ID No No
methodName Method name No No
microVersion Micro version No No
miNorVersion MiNor version No No
modelId XPDL ID No No
modelMajorVersion Model major version No No
modelVersion Model version No No
modifiedBy Modified by No No
modifiedCount Modified count No No
modifiedDate Modified date No No
moduleName Module name Yes Yes
moduleVersion Module version No No
name Name No No
newAttributeList New attribute list No No
Node Node No No
NodeName Node name Yes Yes
numberOfChildren Number of children No No
numberReturned Number returned No No
operation Operation No No
orgModelId Organization model ID No No
originalQueryValue Original query value No No
pageNumber Page number No No
pageSize Page size No No
paramDescriptor Parameter descriptor GUID No No
parameterDescription Parameter descriptor description No No
parameterName Parameter name No No
parameters Presentation parameters No No
parameterType Parameter type No No
parentActivityInstanceId Parent activity instance ID Yes Yes
parentContextId Parent context ID Yes Yes
parentObjectId Parent object ID Yes Yes
parentProcessInstanceId Parent process instance ID Yes Yes
path Composite path No No
pfeRequestXml Request XML string No No
pfeResponseXml Response XML string No No
pilingLimit Piling limit No No
portType Port type No No
preciseCreationTime Precise creation time No No
principalDomain Principal domain No No
principalId Principal ID Yes Yes
principalName Principal name Yes Yes
priority Priority Yes Yes
priorStepId Prior step ID Yes Yes
processEngineCalledTimeStamp Process engine called time stamp No No
processId Process instance ID No No
processInstanceId Process instance ID No No
processName Process template name No No
processNames Process names No No
processPriority Process instance priority Yes Yes
processRunnerCompleted Process runner complete No No
processTime Request process time No No
pushDestinationNumTargets Push destination target count No No
pushWorkId Push work ID No No
pushWorkMode Push work mode No No
pushWorkMsg Push work message No No
qualifier Version qualifier No No
qualifierDescriptor Capability qualifier descriptor No No
query HQL query No No
queryCorrelate Correlate query No No
queryEntity Query entity No No
queryFilter Query filter No No
queryGuid Query GUID No No
queryJunction Query junction No No
queryModelString Query model string No No
queryOperator Query operator No No
queryOptionsGetTotalCount Query get total count No No
queryOptionsNumberOfItems Query item count No No
queryOptionsStartPosition Query start position No No
queryParameters Query parameters No No
queryScope Query scope No No
queryString Resource query string No No
queryTag Query tag No No
queryValue Query value No No
reason Reason No No
record Record No No
referer Referer No No
registeredAttributeName Registered attribute name No No
registeredComponentId Registered component ID No No
registeredComponentName Registered component name No No
registeredComponentVersion Registered component version No No
registeredEnvironmentName Registered environment name No No
requestor Requestor No No
requestReceived Request received No No
requestXML Request XML No No
rescheduledData Rescheduled data No No
resourceId Resource ID Yes Yes
resourceName Resource name Yes Yes
responseXML Response XML No No
resultBoolean Result boolean No No
resultCount Result count No No
retryTime Retry time No No
returnedDataCount Returned data count No No
returnFailures Return failures No No
returnMetadata Return metadata No No
returnMsg Undeployment message No No
returnValue Response XML No No
roleName Role name No No
rootGroups Root groups No No
rootNode Root Node No No
rootOrgUnits Root organization units No No
ruleValue Rule value No No
scriptTypeUid Script type GUID No No
searchTag Search tag No No
secondaryLdapResourceId Secondary LDAP resource No No
sequenceId Sequence ID No No
serviceArchive Service archive No No
serviceArchiveId Service archive ID No No
serviceArchiveLocation Service archive location No No
serviceArchiveName Service archive name No No
serviceName Service name No No
sessionCreationTime Session creation time No No
sessionId Session ID No No
sessionLastAccessedTime Session last accessed time No No
sessionMaxActiveInterval Session maximum active interval No No
severity Severity Yes Yes
severityImage Severity Image No No
size Size No No
sourceEntity Source entity No No
sourceObjectAlias Source object alias No No
stackTrace Stack trace No No
startPosition Start position No No
stats Statistics No No
stringParameter String parameter No No
stringResult String result No No
subprocessInstanceId Subprocess instance ID Yes Yes
subprocessName Subprocess name Yes Yes
subprocessTemplateId Subprocess template ID No No
subprocessVersion Subprocess version Yes Yes
systemActionComponentId System action component ID Yes Yes
systemActionDefaultValue System action default No No
systemActionId System action ID Yes Yes
targetEntity Qualified association target No No
targetObjectAlias Target object alias No No
threadContextClassLoader Thread context class loader No No
threadId Thread ID No No
threadName Thread name No No
timeTrackerAge Time tracker age No No
timeTrackerTimeout Time tracker timeout No No
totalPETimeElapsed Total process engine time elapsed No No
totalTimeElapsed Total time elapsed No No
updateArea Update area No No
userAgent User-Agent No No
userSettingCategory User setting category No No
userSettingId User setting ID No No
value Value No No
Version Version No No
workGroupDesc Work group description No No
workGroupId Work group ID No No
workGroupType Work group type No No
workItemData Work item data No No
workItemPayload Work item payload No No
workItemPriority Work item priority No No
workItemScheduleEnd Work item schedule target date Yes Yes
workItemScheduleStart Work item schedule start date Yes Yes
workModelId Work model ID No No
workTypeDesc Work type description No No
workTypeFileName Work type file name No No
workTypeFilePath Work type file path No No
workTypeId Work type ID No No
workTypeResource Work type resource No No
workTypeUnitId Work type unit ID No No
workTypeUnitName Work type unit name No No
workTypeVersion Work type version No No
wpMethodName Work presentation method name No No
xmlText Request XML No No