Controlling What Information is Logged

Increasingly, security concerns and legal compliance requirements must be considered when determining where and how systems store and use data. To ensure that that sensitive or confidential information is not logged to the BPM log file, you can use either or both of the following approaches:

  • You can change the logging level used by a specific ActiveMatrix BPM logger to either OFF (to turn off logging completely for that component) or ERROR (to only log messages indicating a serious or fatal problem, where urgent investigation and rectification of the error is required).

    See Configuring Logging Levels for information about how to change the logging level for a specific ActiveMatrix BPM logger.

  • You can modify the ec-probe-rules.xml file to exclude specific audit messages and/or specific audit message attributes from being logged.

    See Excluding Specific Audit Messages From the BPM Log File and Excluding Attributes From Logged Messages for more information.

Important: When implementing any combination of these approaches, you must bear in mind the following points:
  • Switching logging OFF can make it much more difficult to debug problems, either on your own or with the assistance of TIBCO Support.
  • Any changes to the ec-probe-rules.xml file should be thoroughly tested to make sure that they work as desired, and that they do not have a negative impact on system performance.