Process Views

Process Views displays columns that show you information about the process templates and process template instances in your list.

From Openspace (accessible) you can do the following:
  • view the process templates and process template instances
  • audit the process template instances
  • filter your list of process templates

You cannot start, suspend, migrate, cancel or administer process instances from Openspace (accessible).

The left-hand column lists the process templates and the right-hand column displays the details about the process instances started from the selected process template. Initially, the focus is on the first process instance in the list. Press Enter on the process template to display the process template details. Process Views Columns describes the information that is displayed about process templates and process instances, by default.

The status of a process determines what stage it has reached in the process. A process can have various states. For example, if a process has been started it will have a status of pi_started. For an explanation of each of the possible states of a process, see Process Instance State.

You can specify whether you want your process instances are in ascending or descending order. By default, process instances are sorted in ascending order. Press Enter on Sort Ascending () or Sort Descending (), depending on your requirements.

The process template list that is initially displayed is a snapshot of the process templates available at that point in time. You can refresh the list to get the most recent list of processes from BPM, see Refreshing the Process Template List.

If you have a large number of processes in your list, you can use the search feature to search for a specific process, see Searching for Process Templates.