The WORK ITEM DETAILS tab of the Component Showcase application demonstrates the use of the <work-item-detail-nav> business component.

To view or edit the source files for this example, open the Component Showcase application and browse to the componentDemos/workitemDetails folder.


The page displays:

  • a form in which you can enter and submit a work item ID.
    <div flex="30" layout="column">
    <form name="sampleForm" ng-submit="show()">
            <input required name="id" ng-model="id">
            <div ng-messages="$error">
              <div ng-message="required">This is required.</div>
            <input name="version" ng-model="version">
        <md-button ng-disabled="sampleForm.$invalid" type="submit" class="md-raised md-primary">Show Details</md-button>
  • the work-item-detail-nav Business component, which is then used to display the appropriate data for the selected work item.
    <div flex="60">
          <md-content flex layout-padding>
               <work-item-detail-nav tabs="tabs" selected-work-item="selectedWorkItem"></work-item-detail-nav>
    Note: work-item-detail-nav invokes further business components and component services to display the appropriate data for each tab.


The DetailsViewSampleCtrl controller defines:

  • a tabs object containing the tab titles to be passed to the work-item-detail-nav business component.
    $scope.tabs = [ {
        title : 'Summary',
        content : ""
    }, {
        title : 'Data',
        content : ""
    }, {
        title : 'Attributes',
        content : ""
    }, {
        title : 'Processes',
        content : ""
    }, {
        title : 'Documents',
        content : ""
    } ];
  • a show function that is invoked when you click SHOW DETAILS. The function calls the BPMWorkItemDetailsService.fetchWorkItem operation to pass details of the selected work item to the work-item-detail-nav business component.
    $ = function() {
            onSuccess : function(userInfo) {
                $scope.guid = userInfo.guid;
                if (BPMWorkItemDetailsService) {
            $scope.wi = BPMWorkItemDetailsService.fetchWorkItem($scope, $, $scope.version, {
                        onSuccess : function() {
                        onFailure : function() {