OData Primitive Types

When synchronizing data to OData warehouse, the data is transformed into types supported by TIBCO Clarity.

The following table lists the OData primitive types that TIBCO Clarity supports.
Type Meaning
String The sequence of UTF-8 characters
Date The date without a time-zone offset
Guid The 16-byte or 128-bit unique identifier
TimeOfDay The clock time 00:00 - 23:59:59.999999999999
Byte The unsigned 8-bit integer
Duration The signed duration in days, hours, minutes seconds, and sub seconds
Boolean The binary-valued logic
Int16 The signed 16-bit integer
Int32 The signed 32-bit integer
Int64 The signed 64-bit integer
SByte The signed 8-bit integer
Decimal The numeric values with fixed precision and scale
Double The IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number with 15 - 17 decimal digits