Server Endpoint Reference

Server endpoints are used by an adapter service that communicates with a remote or local client (request-response server).

TIBCO Rendezvous Server Endpoint Reference

You can add a Server endpoint for a TIBCO Rendezvous Reliable, Certified, or Distributed Queue session.

The following table lists the options for a Server endpoint associated with a TIBCO Rendezvous session.

Name Description
Name Name of the Server endpoint.
Description (Optional) Description of the Server endpoint.
Endpoint Type Type of the Server endpoint. The following values are available:
  • For a TIBCO Rendezvous Reliable Subscriber, the default value is Rv RPC Server.
  • For a TIBCO Rendezvous Certified Subscriber, the default value is RvCm RPC Server.
  • For a TIBCO Rendezvous Distributed Queue Subscriber, the default value is RvCmq RPC Server.
Startup State State when the endpoint starts. The following values are available:
  • None
  • Active (Default)
  • Inactive
Subject Subject with which the Server endpoint communicates with Clients. The default value is Subscriber.

JMS Server Endpoint Reference

You can add a Server endpoint for a JMS Topic or Queue session.

The following table lists the options for a Server endpoint associated with a JMS session.

Name Description
Name Name of the Server endpoint.
Description (Optional) Description of the Server endpoint.
Endpoint Type Type of the Server endpoint. The only available value is Jms RPC Server.
Destination Destination with which the Subscriber endpoint receives messages.
Message Selector A message selector is a string that lets a client program specify a set of messages, based on the values of message headers and properties. A selector matches a message if, after substituting header and property values from the message into the selector string, the string evaluates to true. Consumers can request that the server deliver only those messages that match a selector.
Delivery Mode (Subscriber endpoints for JMS Topic Sessions only) Mode in which messages are delivered. The following values are available:
  • Durable (Default)
  • Non-Durable

For details, see Guideline for Configuring the Delivery Mode (JMS Only).

Durable Name (Subscriber endpoints for JMS Topic Sessions only) Name of the durable Server endpoint. The default value is the server name.