Publication Options Tab

The Publication Options tab is available only for Publication Service.

The following table lists and describes the fields, which are grouped in two panels.

Field Description
Publication Service Base Information panel
Polling Method Publication Service uses the following two methods to monitor changes to a database table:
  • Timer (default setting): used to retrieve records from the database in a specified time. This specified time can be set in the Polling Interval field.
  • Alerter (Only available when using Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases): used to asynchronously notify running Publication Service of database changes. Use the alerter method only when database changes are infrequent.
Polling Interval Specifies how often an adapter configuration with Publication Service checks the publishing table for new rows, in milliseconds. The default value is 5000 ms, or once every five seconds.
Note: If you select Alerter from the Polling Method list, the Polling Interval field is hidden.
Use Polling Batch Size Select this check box to determine whether you want to poll rows in a batch or not.
Polling Batch Size (Maximum Rows) Available only if the Use Polling Batch Size check box is selected. This field specifies the maximum number of messages that are retrieved per polling interval.

The adapter returns to the event loop when it is finished sending those messages. Using this option helps process events in an efficient manner. For example, when polling a large number of rows, the adapter works best if a fixed number of rows is specified in this field.

The default value is 0, which indicates that all new rows must be fetched.

Note: If you use the Polling Batch Size and Enable Group Messaging options together for Publication Service, set the value of the Polling Batch Size field greater than or equal to the value of the Group Size field for better performance. If the value of the Polling Batch Size field is set smaller than the Group Size field, the group cannot be fully filled.
Batch Publish Status Updates Available only if the Use Polling Batch Size check box is selected. Select this check box to optimize the publishing performance by batching message status updates to the publishing table.

If an adapter configuration stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, duplicate messages may be published when the adapter configuration is restarted.

Note: Do not use this option when messages are published using a parameterized subject name.
Publisher Batch Confirm Size Applies only to Publication Service with the TIBCO Rendezvous certified transport.

The size indicates the number of messages that require their status to be updated in a single batch.

Entering a value in this field optimizes performance. However, if an adapter configuration stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, messages that were successfully published might still have the status of P (pending) in the publishing table even when the adapter is restarted. However, the ledger file contains the correct status information. Setting a smaller value in this field minimizes this risk.

Note: Do not use this option when messages are published using a parameterized subject name.
Publisher Batch Confirm Timeout Applies only to Publication Service with the TIBCO Rendezvous certified transport. Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before the status column is updated. After this interval elapses, an update is performed even if the batch size value is not reached.

The default value is 10000 milliseconds. The value of 0 means that no timeout interval is used.

If an adapter configuration stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, messages that were successfully published might still have the status of P (pending) in the publishing table when the adapter is restarted. However, the ledger file contains the correct status information. Setting a smaller value in this field minimizes this risk.

Note: Do not use this option when messages are published using a parameterized subject name.
Publication Service Option Information panel
Storage Mode For each Publication Service service, you must specify a storage mode:
  • Publish by Value: copies all specified columns in the source table to the publishing table.
  • Publish by Reference: copies only key column values to the publishing table. If no key column is defined in the database, a substitute non-key column must be defined to publish by reference.

For more information, see Selecting a Storage Mode.

Publishing Table Name of the database table that is used to store a copy of data to be published. The table name can be qualified using the schema.table_name format. The publishing table cannot contain any user-created columns where the column name starts with ADB_. These characters are reserved for use by the adapter.

For better results use the publishing table name prefixed by P_. For example, if your source table is MY_ORDER, its publishing table should be named P_MY_ORDER. A publishing table name must be less than 64 characters.

Update Mode Select either of the following two methods to update tables:
  • Update: updates a row in the destination table only when the row exists.
  • Upsert: updates a row in the destination table if the row exists. If no such row exists, it performs an insert.
Enable Loop Detection Select this check box to enable loop detection and prevent an infinite loop from occurring when the publishing table and destination table are the same table. Loop detection is disabled for DB2 on z/OS.
Do Not Generate Triggers Select this check box to prevent the generation of triggers. Use this check box only as needed. You can use this check box to manually manage the insertion of data into the publishing table.
Enable Group Messaging Select this check box to enable group messaging.
Group Size Available only if the Enable Group Messaging check box is selected. Specifies the number of rows to be published in a single message. Module Properties are acceptable.
Enable Load Balancing Select this check box to enable load balancing so that multiple publisher endpoints can poll and publish changes of the same source (publishing) table. Set the batch polling size before selecting this option.
Note: When you enable load balancing for Publication Service, the added table, automatically created publishing table, mutex name, and message subject name must be the same.
Mutex Name Available only if the Enable Load Balancing check box is selected. Specifies the name for the mutex table.
Number of Publication Service Threads These threads are allocated on demand. For example, if the Number of Publication Service Threads field is set to 1, a publication thread and a database connection are created automatically. With this number set, each Publication Service service holds a specified number of threads that connect to the database separately and process requests in parallel.

For related information, see "Multithreading in Publication Service" in Multithreading.

Publish Child Data This check box is selected by default. When this check box is selected, the parent row and all related child rows are published when a parent row is updated. Upon receipt of such a message, Subscription Service updates the parent row and then updates all the child rows with the data in a received message.

For information on how to add related tables for Publication Service, see Adding Child Tables.

For information on how to add related tables for Subscription Service, see Setting the Mapping Relationship Between Child Tables.

Polling Commit for DB2 Select this check box to enable Publication Service to do a commit after selecting a query for DB2.