Testing the RPC Custom Operation

This guide uses process [6] of the JMS transport type to show how to perform the RPC custom operation.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, select JMS_[6]Execute procedure SetDescription_input.bwp from the OperationsOracle processes and double-click the process name.
  2. In the process editor, double-click SETDESCRIPTION to open the configuration panel of the Invoke an Adapter Request-Response Server activity.
  3. Click the Input tab.
    The information that is input and written to the SETDESCRIPTION procedure is displayed in the ID and DESCRIPTIC fields of the INBINDS item.

  4. Ensure that the business process that you want to run exists in the Components list.
    1. In the Project Explorer view, expand Module Descriptors and double-click Components.
    2. In the Component Configuration editor, click Create Process Component to add the process that you want to run.
  5. Optional: If multiple projects exist in the Project Explorer view, ensure that only the sample project that you want to run is selected for running.
    1. Right-click JMS_[6]Execute procedure SetDescription_input.bwp. From the pop-up menu, click Run As > Run Configurations.
    2. In the Run Configurations window, only select the OperationsOracle project and click Run.
  6. In the Project Explorer view, right-click JMS_[6]Execute procedure SetDescription_input.bwp. From the pop-up menu, click Run As > Launch BusinessWorks or click Debug As > Launch BusinessWorks Debugger.
    The process is now in the test mode. A message is displayed in the Console view to indicate that data is updated in the OPERATION_ORDER table by using the SETDESCRIPTION procedure successfully.
     RPC Service Thread <RPC.JMSTopic.Thread.1> Reply Message body is: 
    	   - class=REPLY, values=[CLOSURE=[], OPTIONS=[class=CUSTOM_OP_OUTPUT_OPTION, 
    values=[ERROR_DESC=[], SQL=[{call ADB.SETDESCRIPTION(?,?)}]]], OUTBINDS=[class=OUTPUT_BINDS, 
    values=[]], STATUS=[Success]]
  7. Click the stop button to stop the RPC custom operation.