Testing the RPC Custom Operation
This guide uses process [6] of the JMS transport type to show how to perform the RPC custom operation.
- In the Project Explorer view, select JMS_[6]Execute procedure SetDescription_input.bwp from the OperationsOracle processes and double-click the process name.
- In the process editor, double-click SETDESCRIPTION to open the configuration panel of the Invoke an Adapter Request-Response Server activity.
- Click the Input tab.
- Ensure that the business process that you want to run exists in the Components list.
- Optional: If multiple projects exist in the Project Explorer view, ensure that only the sample project that you want to run is selected for running.
In the
Project Explorer view, right-click
JMS_[6]Execute procedure SetDescription_input.bwp. From the pop-up menu, click
Run As > Launch BusinessWorks or click
Debug As > Launch BusinessWorks Debugger.
The process is now in the test mode. A message is displayed in the Console view to indicate that data is updated in the OPERATION_ORDER table by using the SETDESCRIPTION procedure successfully.
RPC Service Thread <RPC.JMSTopic.Thread.1> Reply Message body is: - class=REPLY, values=[CLOSURE=[], OPTIONS=[class=CUSTOM_OP_OUTPUT_OPTION, values=[ERROR_DESC=[], SQL=[{call ADB.SETDESCRIPTION(?,?)}]]], OUTBINDS=[class=OUTPUT_BINDS, values=[]], STATUS=[Success]]
Click the stop button
to stop the RPC custom operation.
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