Working Through the Demo1 Example

Both the demo1 example in the bw5 folder and the Demo1 example in the bw6 folder show how to use Publication Service and Subscription Service to handle changes in a database table.

After migrating the demo1 example in the bw5 folder to TIBCO Business Studio or importing the Demo1 example in the bw6 folder to TIBCO Business Studio, you can run either example in TIBCO Business Studio. The procedures of running the examples are the same. This guide describes how to run the Demo1 example in the bw6 folder.

Note: The demo2 example in the bw5 folder shows how to use Publication Service and Subscription Service to handle changes in parent-child tables. You can run this example after migrating it to TIBCO Business Studio. The running process is similar to the process of running the Demo1 example.

Tables and Data Flow

In this example, you have to deal with the following tables to exchange data:
  • Source table
  • Publishing table: publishing tables mirror tables that you have identified for monitoring. They contain additional columns, primarily a sequence number and delivery status, which are required by the adapter to detect new rows. You create a publishing table for each table you want to activate using TIBCO Business Studio.
  • Destination table
  • Exception table: if a database restriction or failure occurs, an exception table can be configured to receive a message. If insertion into an exception table also fails, an error message is displayed and the adapter configuration is terminated.
When you insert, update, or delete data in the source table, the following actions occur:
  • For Publication Service, when data changes in the source table, if you set Publish by Value as the storage mode, the insert, update, delete, and upsert operations fire a trigger and the inserted row is copied to the publishing table. If you set Publish by Reference as the storage mode, only the rows inserted in the primary key column and the user-defined key column can be copied to the publishing table.
  • The publisher adapter polls the publishing table to check if any new row has been inserted. Newly inserted rows are fetched by using JDBC, packed into a message, and published.
  • The subscriber adapter listens for messages. When a message is received, the subscriber adapter inserts a row or delete it in the destination table by using JDBC.

The following figure illustrates these actions: