Changing the Table Values and Receiving a Notification
After starting the adapter, you can change the values in the source table and test the adapter services.
Insert three values into the source table (ITEM_TABLE), and then commit the changes.
SQL> insert into ITEM_TABLE values(111,'Oak Table',499.95); SQL> commit;
You can insert additional data rows if you have to. If you do so, ensure that the first column is a primary key and must contain a value that is unique within the table.
To verify whether the rows in the source table are inserted into the destination table, run the following query SQL Statement:
SQL> select * from SUB_ITEM;The following example result confirms that the data is inserted:
ITEM_ID ---------- ITEM_DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------- ITEM_PRICE ----------- 111 Oak Table 499.95
- Verify the status messages logged for Publication Service.
- Verify the status messages logged for Subscription Service.
- To stop the adapter, click the stop button on the top left of the Console view.
- Stop the TIBCO EMS server. For example:
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