Opaque Exceptions Table Reference

An opaque exceptions table records a whole message into a column along with the error message.

An opaque exceptions table has the following columns.

Column Name Type Description
ADB_TRACKINGID VARCHAR Tracking ID of a message.
ADB_ERROR_TEXT VARCHAR Text of an error from the database server, Adapter SDK or other source that caused the exception.
ADB_ERROR_TIME DATE Timestamp of the inserted record.

For Oracle databases, the timestamp includes the time zone information.

ADB_MSG BLOB Raw bytes of the message.
Note: The default column size is 1 M. Subscription Service will stop when the inserted data size is larger than the objective table column size and the opaque exceptions table column size.
ADB_SUBTAB VARCHAR Destination table name.
ADB_SUBJECT VARCHAR Subscription Service destination or subject.
ADB_TRANSPORT INT Subscription Service transport type:
  • 0 indicates unknown.
  • 1 indicates Rendezvous.
  • 2 indicates JMS.

You can configure several Subscription Service services in the ADB_SUBTAB column by using only one opaque exceptions table in the same database schema.