Handling Exceptions

TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio) uses exceptions tables and opaque exceptions tables to record subscription failures. You can designate an exceptions table for Subscription Service. If a Subscriber endpoint cannot write data to its destination table, it will write the data to the exceptions table.

Exceptions Table

If a database restriction or failure occurs, you can configure an exceptions table to receive the message. If insertion into an exceptions table also fails, an error message is displayed and the adapter configuration terminates.

You can build a TIBCO Hawk rulebase that detects when the configuration is down and automatically restarts it when the database is up. For details on how to create a rulebase, see TIBCO Hawk Administrator’s Guide.

For information on how to specify or use an exceptions table, see Specifying an Exceptions Table and Using an Exceptions Table as a Source Table.

For information about additional columns, see Exceptions Table Reference and Child Exceptions Table Reference.

Opaque Exceptions Table

Subscription Service uses two logical layers when processing a message. The first layer decodes data from the message and the second layer provides the database transaction.

If an exception occurs in the first layer, the adapter logs the message to the opaque exceptions table. In the second layer, if any DML command fails at any level, the adapter rolls back this transaction and starts another transaction to insert data into exceptions tables. If the insert into exceptions table transaction fails, the adapter then logs the message to the opaque exceptions table.

For information on how to specify an opaque exceptions table, see Specifying an Opaque Exceptions Table.

For information about columns, see Opaque Exceptions Table Reference.