Specifying a Schema for Publication Service

You can specify a schema after you create an adapter service.

You can use one of the following ways to specify tables and columns:
  • Use the tool icons in the Schema tab. For details, see the descriptions of the tool icons in Schema Tab.

    The following table shows an example of adding a table for Publication Service.

  • Drag the fetched tables from the Schema Browser view to the Schema tab. For details, see Fetching Tables or Stored Procedures.

Publication Service can send the data inserted in parent and child tables. Subscription Service can insert the received data into parent and child tables. For details on how to add related child tables in the service schema, see Adding Child Tables.

A source table name can be qualified with a database schema name. To access tables in other schemas, the database user specified in an adapter configuration must have the proper set of permissions granted. For details, see Referencing an External Schema.

Note: If a primary key is not defined for a table, the update and delete triggers are not generated for the table. To define a primary key for the table, select the User Key column in the table row. The update and delete triggers are defined.