Starting the Adapter Configurations

After adding the adapter services, you can use the Adapter Launcher tool to start the adapter so that the adapter exchanges data with the database.

In this tutorial, the adapter services use the JMS transport type. In this case, you have to start the TIBCO EMS server before you start the adapter configurations. If you use the TIBCO Rendezvous transport type, you do not have to start the TIBCO EMS server.


Ensure that Publication Service and Subscription Service share the same destination. For details about destinations, see the description of the Destination field in Endpoint Reference.


  1. Start the TIBCO EMS server. For example:
    1. From the Windows Start menu, click Run and enter services.msc.
    2. In the Services window, start TIBCO EMS Server.
  2. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the jmspub adapter configuration, and from the pop-up menu, click Run As > Adapter Launcher.
    A message similar to the following is displayed in the Console view when the adapter is started successfully.

  3. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the jmssub adapter configuration, and from the pop-up menu, click Run As > Adapter Launcher.
    A message similar to the following is displayed in the Console view when the adapter is started successfully.