Starting the EMS Server

If the examples use the JMS transport type, ensure that the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server is running and accessible to the machine on which the adapter is installed before starting the adapter configurations.

To start the EMS server, click Start > All Programs > TIBCO > TIBCO_Environment > cd TIBCO_HOME\ems\version_number\bin > tibemsd > Start EMS Server.

Note: This guide describes how to run sample projects with the JMS transport type. Therefore, before you run any sample project, ensure that the TIBCO EMS server is started.

If you have installed TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.9.0, you have to add the EMS LIB path to the TRA files. For details, see the note in "Installing Additional TIBCO Software" of "Post-installation Tasks on Microsoft Windows Platforms" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database Installation.