Starting an Alerter

To use the alerter polling method, you must install the Oracle AQ package or Microsoft SQL Server package on your specific database. See your Oracle documentation for information on how to install the Oracle AQ package or Microsoft SQL Server package.

When configuring Publication Service, you must enable the alerter function by selecting Alerter from the Polling Method list in the Configuration tab. When the adapter starts, the alerter also starts.
Note: When you use the alerter method, note the following:
  • If you select the alerter method, the Polling Interval field disappears.
  • If an adapter configuration that uses the alerter method is not shut down cleanly, you must call the cleanup_alerter stored procedure before restarting the adapter configuration. This stored procedure is normally called by the adapter configuration when it is shut down cleanly.

For details on how to start an alerter on an Oracle database, see Example for Starting an Oracle Alerter.

For details on how to start an alerter on a Microsoft SQL Server database, see Example for Starting a Microsoft SQL Server Alerter.