Publishing Table Reference

New data is copied from the source table to the publishing table. In addition to a copy of the columns of the source table, the publishing table includes additional columns.

The following table lists the additional columns of the publishing table:

Column Name Type Description
ADB_SUBJECT VARCHAR2(255) Used to specify the subject to publish the current row. The length is 255 characters. You can set a message subject in this field which takes precedence over the default service subject. The adapter will publish this row with the new message subject.

In group messaging, the group messages are sent to the subject that is set for the last row of the group.

ADB_SEQUENCE INTEGER Stores the continuously increasing sequence number that represents new rows in the publishing table. If a column with this name exists, a number is generated automatically.

By default, the schema type is String. The adapter treats this number as a string. This number can be larger than an integer if the database supports it.

ADB_SET_SEQUENCE INTEGER Currently not used.
ADB_TIMESTAMP DATE Time of row insertion in the publishing table that is used to calculate expiration of rows. The timestamp is generated automatically.
ADB_TRACKINGID VARCHAR2(40) Tracking ID of the message. This is automatically added to the publishing table and the publishing schema.

If you do not want to monitor the tracking ID, you can manually remove this field from the project schema and the publishing table.

Operation code used by an adapter configuration:
  • 1 indicates INSERT.
  • 2 indicates UPDATE.
  • 3 indicates DELETE.
  • 4 indicates UPSERT. If a row exits, the UPDATE operation is performed; otherwise the INSERT operation is performed.
  • 10 indicates BYPASS. The ADB_OPCODE_BYPASS field is used to bypass the current table operation.

If an incoming TIBCO Rendezvous message does not have an operation code, the INSERT operation occurs.

Note: When working with a parent-child table, it is recommended to set ADB_OPCODE in the parent and child table to the same value. Or only set the value of ADB_OPCODE in the parent table and leave the child table empty.
ADB_UPDATE_ALL INTEGER Currently not used.
ADB_REF_OBJECT VARCHAR2(64) If the Publishing by Reference object is used, this column contains the name of the reference object that provides source data.
ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS CHAR Delivery status of a TIBCO Rendezvous message:
  • P indicates pending acknowledgement.
  • N indicates that a new message has arrived, but has not yet been published.
  • S indicates that one thread has got this record, and will not be taken again when polling other records.
  • C indicates complete.
  • F indicates failed.

Certified messaging sequence number associated with this message.

A publishing table cannot contain any user-created columns where the column name starts with ADB_. These characters are reserved for adapter use.

Note: When you use a publishing table, note the following:
  • When publishing a parent-child record or using the Publish By Reference object, if the key value is empty (null) in the publishing table, the adapter considers this as an error operation. Meanwhile, the adapter updates the failure status in the publishing table by setting the adb_l_delivery_status status to F. As a result the data is not published.
  • In an adapter configuration, if two or more Publication Service services with the Rendezvous Certified (RVCM) transport enabled are set to the same message subject, the ADB_L_DELIVERY_Status status in the publishing table cannot be changed from P to C after data transmission.