Publishing Table Reference
New data is copied from the source table to the publishing table. In addition to a copy of the columns of the source table, the publishing table includes additional columns.
The following table lists the additional columns of the publishing table:
A publishing table cannot contain any user-created columns where the column name starts with ADB_. These characters are reserved for adapter use.
Note: When you use a publishing table, note the following:
- When publishing a parent-child record or using the Publish By Reference object, if the key value is empty (null) in the publishing table, the adapter considers this as an error operation. Meanwhile, the adapter updates the failure status in the publishing table by setting the adb_l_delivery_status status to F. As a result the data is not published.
- In an adapter configuration, if two or more Publication Service services with the Rendezvous Certified (RVCM) transport enabled are set to the same message subject, the ADB_L_DELIVERY_Status status in the publishing table cannot be changed from P to C after data transmission.
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