Adapter Properties

The runtime adapter properties are in two categories: required properties and TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database properties.

Required Properties

To use a properties file with a runtime adapter, you must use correct properties for the configuration of the adapter.

The following table lists the properties that the runtime adapter requires. Most required properties are predefined by TIBCO Adapter SDK. For more information, see "Properties Files" in TIBCO Adapter SDK Programmer’s Guide.

Property Description
tibco.repourl repourl Absolute pathname of the local repository where the adapter configuration is defined.

For a remote project, the repourl value should use the form tibco.repourl tibcr@name where name is the repository name. For example: tibco.repourl tibcr@ADBRepoDefault

For Unix systems, the path separator includes a single forward slash (/). For example: /local/tibco/repo/repo.dat

tibco.configurl relative_path or tibco.configurl absolute_path Location of the adapter service inside the project file.

If a relative path is specified, the adapter service is assumed to be under the default area in the project file (/tibco/private/adapter/). For example, the following value connects to an adapter service named adbpub in the /tibco/private/adapter/ directory: tibco.configurl adbpub

If an absolute path is specified, the adapter instance is looked up in the repository as defined by the argument. For example: tibco:configurl /tibco/private/adapter/adbpub

tibco.instanceid instance name Name of an adapter instance.

The length of a name cannot be larger than 80 characters.

tibco.clientVar.adb.password Password used to connect to the targeted database. This can be obfuscated by using the instructions in Password Handling.
application.args Properties (.tra) file to pass to TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database. For example:

application.args adbagent -system:propFile


application.start.dir Pathname of the adapter to start. For example:

application.start.dir C:\tibco\adapter\adadb\7.0\bin\

TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database Properties

In addition to properties that are listed in the adapter properties file, some TRA properties are also predefined in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database. Properties that start with ntservice are available only on Microsoft Windows platforms.

The following table lists the predefined properties in the alphabetical order.

Property Description
adb.<publisher_service_name>.jmsProperties <property1>=<value1>, <property2>=<value2>, <property3>=<value3> Set JMS message properties when you use the JMS transport type for Publication Service. For more information, see TIBCO Enterprise Message Service documentation.

During the run time, this property has higher precedence than the adb.jmscompress property.

adb.<publisher_service_name>.lookback <on/off> When you set the value to on, the adapter can poll remaining records continuously regardless of the Polling Interval value you set.
adb.<publiser_service_name>.preregistered listeners <subjectName1:listenerName1, subjectName2:listenerName2> Preregisters RVCM names for the specified subjects. For example, adb.ADBPublisher.preRegisteredListeners=adb.sub1:rvcm1, adb.sub2:rvcm2 preregisters RVCM name rvcm1 to subject adb.sub1, and RVCM name rvcm2 to subject adb.sub2.

For more information, see Preregistering a Certified Subscriber.

adb.<sessionName/serviceName>.ADBQueueSize <queue size> An internal message queue in the service level. The default value is -1, which means the adapter does not limit the queue size.
adb.<tableName>.poll.hint <hint> This feature helps improve the performance of your queries. This feature is only supported by Oracle and SQLServer databases.

For more information, see Using Hints (Publication Service Only).

adb.addCustomHawkMethodsToClassMAgent <on/off> To add custom methods to the standard micro agent, set the value of this property to on.

To disable the add operation, set the value of this property to off.

adb.as400.defaultLibrary <AS400 default libarary at design time> This property identifies the default iSeries library to be accessed and only used for library name verification. This property applies only to Publication Service and Subscription Service.
adb.as400.library <AS400 runtime library> It applies only to Publication Service and Subscription Service.
The rules for which a library name is used are as follow:
  • If the library name specified at design time is equal to the adb.as400.defaultlibrary name, the adapter will use the adb.as400.library name specified in the TRA file.

  • If the adb.as400.library name specified in the TRA file is equal to the adb.as400.defaultlibrary name, the adapter will use the library name specified at design time.

  • If the library name is not defined at design time, the publishing table cannot be created.

adb.batchPubStatusUpdates <on/off> The default value is set to off.

When the adb.PollingBatchSize property is used, the adb.batchPubStatusUpdates property optimizes the publication performance by batching message status updates to the publishing table.

Do not use this property when messages are published by using a parameterized subject name.

If an adapter instance stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, duplicate messages are published when the instance is restarted.

adb.customScaleForNumberType <table>.<column>=<scale>, <table>.<column>=<scale> Applies only to Subscription Service. This property sets the default scale of the Oracle Number (empty) data type. It is used to control the entered number with high precision.
adb.datePattern <date pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat, such as yyyy-MM-dd> The standard date format pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The default format is yyyy-MM-dd.
adb.debug <level> The debug printing level. If this property is not specified, the default value of 2 is used. Possible values are:
  • 0 - Log no debug information.
  • 1 - Log SQL commands executed against the database.
  • 2 - Log binding data for each SQL command.
  • 3 - Log all debug information.
adb.disableTerminationSubject <on/off> When this property is set to on, the adapter does not terminate on receiving a termination subject message.
adb.groupSize <publisher group size> Specifies the number of rows to be published in a single message. Setting of this property overrides the Group Size setting in the Publication Service configuration.
adb.jmsBytesMsg <on/off> Determines whether you use the JMS transport type to send byte messages. The default value is off.
adb.jmscompress <on/off> One of the JMS properties. This property applies only to Publication Service with the JMS transport type.

The value can be on or off. The default value is off, which indicates that JMS messages are not compressed.

For more information, see Compressing JMS Messages.

adb.log4jPropFile <The path of the properties file> The path in which the properties file is stored.
adb.maxLongLen -1 <maximum size of handle data. default value is -1, not check data length> Buffer size. Used for long data types, such as BLOB.
adb.noDupDetection <on/off> Disables detection of duplicate configurations. The value can be on or off. The default value is off, which indicates that duplicate configurations are detected.
adb.password Password used by the adapter to access databases. If it is not specified, the runtime adapter will call the password at the design time. If it is set in the TRA file, the runtime adapter will call the password from the TRA file.
adb.payloadOnError on|off This property specifies whether only the error information or all the logging information is printed in the log file.

The default value is off, and it applies only to Subscription Service.

When configuring this property, you must note the following:
  • When creating the BusinessWorks process, you must set a value in the Reply Subject field in the Input tab.
  • If the value is on or the Generate Payload On Error check box in the General tab is selected when configuring an adapter instance, and the Log Info Messages check box in the Logging tab is cleared, the error log information that belongs to Debug role is displayed in Error role.
adb.perf <the number of messages, it will print the performance report after process the number of message> Number of messages. It prints the performance report after processing the number of messages.
adb.perfMon <on/off> The value can be on or off. The default value is off.
adb.PollingBatchSize <number of rows> Applies only to publisher instances. Limits the amount of messages to be picked up. The value indicates the number of parent rows to be fetched for a poll interval. The default value is 0, which indicates that all new rows must be fetched.
adb.PollingInterval <milliseconds> Specific polling period. Applies only to publisher instances. If not specified, the default value of 10000 milliseconds is used.
adb.PollingCommitForDB2 <on/off> The value can be on or off. The default value is off.
adb.pubBatchConfirmSize <number of confirmations> Applies only to publisher instances with publications that use certified message delivery. Optimizes performance by batching message status advisories to the publishing table. The value indicates the number of advisory messages to include in a single batch.

Do not use this option when messages are published using a parameterized subject name.

Note: If an adapter instance stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, messages that were successfully published still have a status of P (pending) in the publishing table when the adapter instance is restarted. In this case, the ledger file contains the correct status information. A smaller value for this property decreases this risk.
adb.pubBatchConfirmTimeout <milliseconds> Applies only to publisher instances with publications that use certified message delivery. This property specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before updating the status column. After this interval, an update is performed even if the batch size value is not reached. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds). The value of 0 milliseconds means that no timeout interval is used.

Do not use this option when messages are published using a parameterized subject name.

Note: If an adapter instance stops before a batch update is performed, the status column is not updated. As a result, messages that were successfully published still have a status of P (pending) in the publishing table when the adapter instance is restarted. In this case, the ledger file contains the correct status information. A smaller value for this property decreases this risk.
adb.publishChildData <on/off> Applies only to parent-child relationships in Publication Service. Enables publishing child table rows. The default value is on.
adb.requestResponseMaxRows <number of maxRows> This property specifies the maximum number of rows to be fetched. This can be used to limit the memory usage of the adapter. The unfetched rows will be ignored by the adapter.
adb.requestResponseThreads <the number of rpc default session threads> The number of threads used by Request-Response Service. The default value is 1.
adb.RetryTotal <total reconnection attempts> Total number of reconnection attempts.
adb.runtime.publisherSchema <runtime publisher table schema name> The runtime publisher table schema name. Setting of this property overrides setting of the adb.runtime.schema property. This can be used if you have a different schema for the publishing table than the other table objects, such as the source table.

For more information, see Runtime Table Schema Configuration.

adb.runtime.schema <runtime database object schema name> The runtime database object schema name.

If the adb.originalSchema property is specified, the adapter will compare the adb.originalSchema property with the prefix of the table objects. If they are the same, the adapter will replace the design-time schema with this runtime schema. Otherwise, no action is taken.

If the adb.orignalSchema property is not specified, the adapter will append this runtime schema to all table objects that do not have any schema specified at design time.

For more information, see Runtime Table Schema Configuration.

adb.rvAdvisoryNoLog <on/off> This property specifies whether RV advisory messages are to be logged in the adapter log files. The default value is off.
adb.rvMaxQueueSize <RV event queue size> Applies only to subscriber instances. Maximum number of messages to be allowed in the TIBCO Rendezvous event queue. The default value is 0, which means no limit is placed on event queue size.
Note: If setting the value less than the message count, the message may lose.
adb.setClientInfo <Client info setting on Oracel> When the value of this property is set to on, the adapter will call SET_CLIENT_INFO to set the database session client information.

The default value is on.

adb.setEmptyStringNullForRvMsg <on/off> Specifies whether the RVMSG fields of an empty string are treated as NULL or "" (empty strings). The value can be on or off. The default setting is off.

If the property value is set to on, empty strings are treated as NULL. If the property value is set to off, empty strings are treated as empty strings if the database allows.

adb.setEmptyStringToDefault <on/off> The value can be on or off. The default setting is off. This property only works when the following three criteria are met:
  • Oracle database
  • Insert operations
  • JDBC Property CatalogOptions=1

When you set a default value to a field in creating a table, if the property value is set to on, the empty strings are changed to the default value.

Note: When you set the adb.setEmptyStringNullForRvMsg property to on, and select the Rendezvous Message wire format in Subscription Service with the Oracle database, the adb.setEmptyStringToDefault property becomes invalid.
adb.SleepBetweenRetries <milliseconds of sleep between two reconnection attempts> Milliseconds of sleep between two reconnecting attempts.
adb.stmtCache <Number of statements to be cached> Number of cache statements for a generic RPC request/ reply service.

The number of statements that the adapter caches will be executed directly for repeated requests. If the cache is full, the adapter will remove the oldest message from the cache and add the new statement. The default value is 1.

adb.subBatchCommitSize <number of commit size> Applies only to subscriber instances. The number of messages to batch before invoking a commit operation. The default value is 0.

For more information, see Batch Processing in Subscription Service.

Note: If messages greater than 32K are published, batching is automatically turned off.
adb.subBatchCommitTimeout <milliseconds> Applies only to subscriber instances. The amount of time that can expire after a batch commit operation is invoked. If not specified, the default value is 10000 milliseconds. For more information, see Batch Processing in Subscription Service.
adb.subBulkInsertSize <number of inserts> Applies only to subscriber instances. All incoming messages to be inserted are stored until this size is reached.

Then a bulk insert operation is performed on the destination table. This value must be less than or equal to the value specified for the adb.subBatchCommitSize property, if used. The default value is 1.

If an update statement is published while messages are being batched, the bulk insert is performed regardless of whether the size value has been reached. After records have been inserted, the update operation is performed.

For more information, see Batch Processing in Subscription Service.

Note: Do not use this option if LONG, LONG RAW, image, or varbinary records are published.
adb.taskBackLogLimitInBytes <The maximum size (in bytes) of the scheduler task queue> The scheduler stores tasks in a queue. This property limits the maximum size of that scheduler task queue by the number of bytes. The properties can control the memory usage on the adapter side.

This value must be an integer. The default value is unspecified, which indicates that there is no limit to the size of the scheduler task queue.

adb. taskBackLogLimitInMessages <The maximum size (in messages) of the scheduler task queue> The scheduler stores tasks in a queue. This property limits the maximum size of that scheduler task queue by the number of messages. The properties can control the memory usage on the adapter side.

This value must be an integer. The default value is unspecified, which indicates that there is no limit to the size of the scheduler task queue.

adb.terminateOnPubFail <on/off> Specifies that if publication fails during the message transmission, the agent will terminate after the status has been updated to ’F’. The default value is off.
adb.timePattern <time pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat, such as HH:mm:ss> The standard time format pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The default format is HH:mm:ss.
adb.timestampPattern <timestamp pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat, such as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S> The standard timestamp format pattern for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S.
adb.useBetweenClause <on/off> This property disables the use of the BETWEEN clause in the select query of the publisher. The default value is on.
adb.useExceptTable <on/off> Enables the use of the exception table. The exception table is defined when Subscription Service is created. The default value is set to on.
adb.url Database URL used by the adapter to access database.

For example, jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:db2://IP:50000;dat abaseName=adb

adb.user Database account name used by the adapter to access databases. If it is not specified, the runtime adapter will call the user name at the design time. If it is set in the TRA file, the runtime adapter will call the user name from the TRA file.
adb.verbose <on/off> Verbose mode. Print all available information to the console window or log file location. By default, the verbose mode is on.
ntservice.account Username that you use to run the Windows Service. You can use this property to initially set the account for the service, but once the service is installed, use the Services control to change the user account of services.
ntservice.binary.path.absolute Absolute path in which the executable is run when a service is started. For example,



ntservice.dependencies Number of dependencies.
ntservice.displayname Name to be displayed in the Services control for this Windows Service.

This property is useful if you want to have multiple Windows Services for the same executable. That is, you want to have two adapters running on the same machine. By specifying different service names and display names for the adapters, you can accomplish this.

ntservice.interactive true|false The value can be true or false. Specifies whether the Windows Service is interactive. Set the value to false if you are not using a system account. Name for this Windows Service.

This property is useful if you want to have multiple Windows Services for the same executable. That is, you want to have two adapters running on the same machine. By specifying different service names and display names for the adapters, you can accomplish this.

For example, adapter_instance_name

ntservice.password Password for the user name in the ntservice.account property.

You can use this property to initially set the password for the user account, but once the service is installed, use the Services control to change the password.

ntservice.starttype manual|automatic Start type for this Windows Service. The value can be manual or automatic.

For example, ntservice.starttype automatic

You can use this property to initially set the start type for the service, but once the service is installed, use the Windows Services control to change the start type of services.

tibco.clientVar Runtime values for global variables defined inside the repository. This value takes precedence over any global value set in the repository. Substitution takes place at run time.

You append the global variable to the tibco.clientVar property, then give its value. For example, a global variable named DirLedger is specified as follows:



Do not include the % character of substitution variables. For example, to set %%RvDaemon%%="tcp:7500", use tibco.clientVar.RvDaemon "tcp:7500".



User name and password used by the repository server to access the project. The password can be obfuscated by using the instructions in Handling Passwords.
-version Displays a banner with version information, and then exits.

This option is for troubleshooting purposes only.