Request-Response Options Tab

The Request-Response Options tab is available only for Request-Response Service. You can use this tab to set different modes for an adapter service.

The following table lists and describes the fields in the Request-Response Options tab:

Field Description
Request-Response Service Base Information Panel
Mode Specifies an endpoint to be a Request Reply server or Remote Procedural Call (RPC) server. The value can be:
  • Request Reply: A Subscriber endpoint is created. This Subscriber endpoint listens to a request and publishes the reply to the reply subject.
  • RPC: A server endpoint is created. This server receives a request from and sends back the reply to the client.
Maximum Rows Specifies the maximum number of rows to fetch in the service level. This can be used to limit the memory usage of the adapter. The rows not fetched are ignored by the adapter.
Note: You can also set this field in the operation level when using Request-Response Service of RPC Mode with the Use Custom Operations check box selected, and the Maximum Rows value set in the operation level takes higher precedence over the value set in the service level. Follow these steps to complete the configuration:
  1. In the Configuration tab of the adapter service, click the Class Reference link.
  2. In the opened AE schema, click the Classes tab.
  3. In the All Classes panel, click procedure_aeclass_name > user_specified_procedure_name > REQUEST. Click the Type link in the Configuration panel.
  4. In the opened REQUEST schema, click the Classes tab.
  5. In the All Classes panel, click INPUT_OPTIONS > MAXROWS. Specify the Default Value field in the Configuration panel.

In the log file, only the maximum number of rows in the service level is printed.

Use Custom Operations This check box is displayed when the Mode field is set to RPC. Select this check box and fetch the stored procedure by following the steps in Fetching Stored Procedures.
Use Separate Session Select this check box to create a new session, and move the service endpoint to this session. This feature is used with Request-Response Service multithreading. When you select this check box, the Number of Request-Response Service Threads field is displayed.

After you set the value in this field, the multiple threads can share the same session and dispatcher. See Multithreading and Session in Request-Response Service for details.

Note: When you have to use multiple threads by configuring a separate session, the transport session name must end with one or more digits from [0-9].
Number of Request-Response Service Threads Indicates the number of threads the adapter service uses to connect to the database. The valid values are from 1 through n.

Each thread has a separate connection to the database. By specifying multiple threads, you can balance the incoming RPC request load. See Multithreading and Session in Request-Response Service for details.

Reply Subject (Request-Reply mode only)

Specifies a subject name that the adapter uses to respond, if no response, a subject is specified in the request message. The subject name in the Reply Subject field cannot be the same as the name in the Destination field.