Examples Overview
TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio™) provides examples to show how the adapter processes data that is stored in a database and publishes changes from the database to TIBCO messaging infrastructure.
Before performing any of these examples, ensure that TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio) is installed according to the procedures in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio) Installation. These procedures include creating a database account for the adapter and setting the JDBC data source, among other things.
You have to install the required software before running the examples. After installing TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database, you can find the preconfigured examples located in the TIBCO_HOME\adapter\adadb\version_number\demo directory. There are two example folders: the bw5 folder holds the BusinessWorks 5 examples; the bw6 folder holds the BusinessWorks 6 examples.
You can run these examples on Windows and UNIX platforms. This guide describes how to run the examples on a Microsoft Windows platform.
BusinessWorks 5 Examples
- demo1
This example shows how to configure Publication Service and Subscription Service to handle changes in a database table.
- demo2
This example shows how to configure an adapter configuration so that Subscription Service can receive the data that is stored in related parent and child tables when Publication Service sends and inserts a message.
- operation
This example shows how to use Request-Response Service, including the standard RPC operation, custom RPC operation, and Request-Reply operation.
- salesorder
This example shows how to use Publication Service, Subscription Service, and Request-Response Service within a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks process to process a sales order stored in a database. When they process the order, the delivery priority assigned to sales items is changed and sales items are verified to ensure that the items are valid.
BusinessWorks 6 Examples
- Demo1
This example includes the same project resources and has the same function as demo1 in the bw5 folder.
- Operations
This example includes the same project resources and has the same function as operation in the bw5 folder.
- SalesOrder
This example includes the same project resources and has the same function as salesorder in the bw5 folder.
The examples in the bw6 folder are created in TIBCO Business Studio. Before you run these examples, you have to import the example projects into TIBCO Business Studio as described in Importing Examples to TIBCO Business Studio.
Each example folder includes three sample projects that work with an Oracle database, a DB2 UDB database, and an Microsoft SQL Server database respectively. This guide describes how to work with an Oracle database in each example.