Calling a Process for a BusinessWorks 5 Example

If you want to call an old process, you have to call a process for a BusinessWorks 5 example. The sample projects in the demo1 and demo2 folders can be run directly in TIBCO Business Studio after migration. However, regarding the examples in the operation and salesorder folders, the BusinessWorks processes with the start activities cannot be run directly in TIBCO Business Studio.

To resolve this issue, you can create a new BusinessWorks 6 process to call a migrated process. This guide shows how to call the JMS_1INSERT-INTO-OPERATION_ORDER process in the operation example.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, expand the migrated project folder and right-click Processes. From the pop-up menu, click New > BusinessWorks Process.
  2. In the New BWProcess Diagram window, specify a name in the Process Name field and click Finish.

  3. Open the created process in the process editor and right-click the blank space. From the pop-up menu, click Add Activity > General Activities > Timer. Repeat this step to add the CallProcess activity.
  4. Click the icon next to the Timer activity and drag the icon to the CallProcess activity to create a transition between them.

  5. Click the CallProcess activity, and in the configuration panel, click the General tab.
  6. Click the icon next to the Service field.
  7. In the Select a Service window, select JMS_1INSERT-INTO-OPERATION_ORDER-PortType and click OK. Click Save on the toolbar.

  8. In the process editor, click the reference binding process, JMS_1INSERT-INTO-OPERATION_ORDER-PortType. In the Properties view, click the General tab.
  9. In the Wire to Process panel, specify the following fields and then click Save on the toolbar.
    • Process: click the browser button to select the BusinessWorks process.

    • Service Name: click the Down arrow to select the service.

  10. Click the blank space in the process editor and click the Advanced tab in the Properties view.
  11. Select Single AppNode from the Activation list.

    Note: The default option of the Activation field is Multiple AppNode. If you do not change the default setting, an error is thrown in the Problems view, indicating that the call process configured with the Multiple AppNode option cannot invoke the process configured with the Single AppNode option.

What to do next

After you call a process for a migrated process, you can use the created process to run the migrated process in TIBCO Business Studio. The newly created process calls the migrated process.