Updating the Database Connection

The adapter configurations in the Demo1Oracle project are reconfigured, but you have to update the database connection information for each adapter configuration. This exercise uses the jmspub and jmssub adapter configurations.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, expand the Demo1Oracle project and double-click jmspub.adadbmodel to open the adapter configuration editor.
  2. In the adapter configuration editor, change the connection reference:
    1. Click the Configuration tab.
    2. In the Database Configuration panel, click the Connection Reference link.
    3. In the opened jmspub.sharedadbc Adapter for Database Connection editor, update the configuration information.
      Use your own database server name, port, and SID in the JDBC URL, user name, and password to connect the adapter configuration to your database.

  3. Click Test Connection to verify whether the parameters you entered are correct.
    If the following successful connection message is displayed, your database connection information is updated correctly.

  4. Click Save on the toolbar of TIBCO Business Studio.
  5. Repeat the preceding steps to update the database connection information for the jmssub.adadbmodel adapter configuration.