New Connection Information

To add a database connection resource, you have to specify values for the fields in the New Connection Information window.

The following table lists and describes the fields for creating a database connection resource.

Name Description
Connection Resource Name of the database connection resource.
JDBC Driver Name and URL of the JDBC driver used for the configuration. The following table lists all the supported JDBC drivers and their URLs. For detailed parameter descriptions, see your JDBC driver documentation.
User Name User name that the adapter uses to connect to the database.
Password Password that the adapter uses to connect to the database.
Default Schema Schema name used for the current user. Usually it is the same as the database name. But for some specific databases, the schema name and the database name are different.

For example, when using a Microsoft SQL Server database, the default schema name is DBO. When using a PostgreSQL database, the default schema name is Public. When using a MySQL Server database, the Default Schema field must be empty.

Note: When you use a MySQL Server database, if you enter a name for the default schema, a publishing table cannot be created for Publication Service.
Test Connection Click this button to verify whether the connection fields are specified correctly. A message is displayed to indicate whether the connection succeeds or not.

The following table lists all the supported JDBC drivers and their URLs.

Database JDBC Driver JDBC URL
Oracle jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://server_name: 1521;databaseName=database_name
Note: The default port number is 1521.
Microsoft SQL Server tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:sqlserver://server_name:1433;databaseName=database_name
Note: The default port number is 1433.
Sybase tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sybase.SybaseDriver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:sybase://server_name: 5000;DatabaseName=database_name
DB2 OS390 tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:db2://server_name:port;


DB2 AS400 tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:db2://server_name:port;locationName=location_name;AlternateID=library
Note: The publishing table cannot be created if the AlternateID=library property is not in the JDBC URL.
DB2 UDB tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:db2://server_name:50000;databaseName=database_name;packageName=DEF00
MySQL tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:mysql://server_name:3306/DatabaseName=database_name
Teradata com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver jdbc:teradata://server_name/database=database_name
PostgreSQL org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql://server_name:port/database_name
Microsoft Azure tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:sqlserver://server_name:1433;databaseName=database_name
Redshift org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql://server_name:port/database_name
Amazon RDS (Oracle) jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://amazon;databaseName=database_name
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:sqlserver://amazon;databaseName=database_name