Migrating an Adapter Project Created in TIBCO Designer

You can migrate an adapter project from TIBCO Designer with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x to TIBCO Business Studio with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6 by using the migration tool in TIBCO Business Studio.

The migration tool in TIBCO Business Studio only supports migration from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 7.0 or 7.1 to TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio).

For related information, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks documentation.

Note: When you migrate a project in TIBCO Designer, note the following conditions:
  • You can migrate a project from TIBCO Designer with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x to TIBCO Business Studio with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6, but not in reverse.
  • TIBCO Business Studio does not support the importing of .dat files from TIBCO Designer. To migrate a project stored in a .dat file, you have to import the file in TIBCO Designer and save it as a multi-file project.
  • The name of a project migrated to TIBCO Business Studio cannot contain any of the following characters:

    (space) ! $ % & + . / @ \ ~

  • If you want to migrate a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 6.x project to TIBCO Business Studio, you have to first migrate the project to TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 7.0 in TIBCO Designer.
  • You do not have to migrate an existing BusinessWorks 6 project to TIBCO Business Studio. You can import the BusinessWorks 6 project to TIBCO Business Studio. For details on how to import a BusinessWorks 6 project, see TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio) Examples.


The project to be migrated is already validated in TIBCO Designer.
Note: TIBCO Designer includes reference-checking and other validation facilities that you can use to ensure that a project is internally consistent. For details, see "Validating Projects" in TIBCO Designer User’s Guide.


  1. Open TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Use one of the following ways to open the BusinessWorks Migration Tool window:
    • From the main menu, click Project > Migrate BW Projects.
    • From the main menu, click File > Import. In the opened dialog, expand the Migrate BW Projects node, and select Migrate BW Projects. Click Next.
  3. In the BusinessWorks Migration Tool window, specify the following fields:
    • BusinessWorks 5 Projects Folder: the source location of the projects to migrate.
    • Migrated Project Folder: the target location of the migrated projects.

  4. After you specify the BusinessWorks 5 project folder, in the displayed project tree, select the adapter projects you want to migrate.
  5. Click Migrate.
  6. When the migration is complete, click Close.
    The migrated projects are displayed in the Project Explorer view.