Batch Processing in Publication Service

Publication Service publishes inserted data from the publishing table and updates the message status to the publishing table. You can configure the service to publish data and update the message status in batches of a specified size. If you are using certified message delivery, you can also configure the service to send confirmation in batches.

You can perform all the configuration by using the Publication Options tab.

Note: For better results, do not configure multiple adapter configurations based on the same table for publication. Such a configuration may cause multiple publications of the same message or cause a database deadlock.

Publishing Data and Updating Message Status in a Batch

To publish data and update the message status in a batch, you can select the Use Polling Batch Size check box and configure the related options.

After this check box is selected, the following fields are displayed, which you have to configure:
  • Polling Batch Size (Maximum Rows)
  • Batch Publish Status Updates

For details about these fields, see Publication Options Tab.

Sending Confirmation in a Batch

If you use TIBCO Rendezvous certified message delivery, to send confirmation in batches, you have to configure the Publisher Batch Confirm Size and Publisher Batch Confirm Timeout options.

For details about these fields, see Publication Options Tab.