Implementing Refresh Connection

After extensive use of an adapter, the adapter’s performance may deteriorate. If you restart the adapter, its performance recovers. To resolve this issue, TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database (TIBCO Business Studio) supports the new refresh connection function. The connection between the adapter and database can be refreshed after a specified time elapses.

To specify a time for a refresh connection, add two parameters in the adbagent.tra file:
  • adb.connDBRefreshInterval minute: After this configured time elapses, the adapter triggers a refresh connection timer, which is an instance-level parameter. The default value is 300 minutes.
  • adb.connDBRefresh on/off: This is an instance-level parameter, which indicates that every service under an instance can refresh connection after a configured time elapses. Its default value is off. An instance has only one timer while a service does not have a timer. When the adb.connDBRefresh property is set to on, a timer is created.