Specifying a Polling Method
Publication Service uses periodic polling or an alerter process to monitor changes to a database table. You can select a polling method from the Polling Method list in the Publication Options tab.
- Timer: this is the default polling method. It is used to retrieve records from the database in a specified time. This specified time can be set in the Polling Interval field.
- Alerter: (Only available when using Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases) It is used to asynchronously notify running Publication Service adapter configurations of database changes. Use the alerter only when database changes are infrequent.
Using a Timer
To use a timer, select Timer from the Polling Method list in the Publication Options tab. Then specify a polling interval in milliseconds in the Polling Interval field. This sets how often Publication Service checks the publishing table for new rows.
For details about each field, see Publication Options Tab.
Using an Alerter
To use an alerter, select Alerter from the Polling Method list in the Publication Options tab, and you have to set up and start the alerter on your database as well.
For more information about an alerter, see Alerter. For information on how to set up and start the alerted on the database, see Setting Up and Starting an Alerter.