Log Sink Configuration Reference

When you select a log sink in the All Log Sinks panel, the configuration options for the sink are displayed. The log sink you select determines the options you have to configure.

File Sink Configuration Reference

A file sink sends messages to a file. If you select a file sink in the All Log Sinks panel, the log sink specific options are displayed in the Configuration panel.

The following table lists the options for a file sink.

Name Description
Name Name of the sink.
Description (Optional) Description of the sink.
File Name File to which logging information is written.
File Limit (bytes) Maximum size of the file, in bytes. The default value is 30000 bytes. The maximum value is 2147483647 bytes.
File Count Number of rollover files. The default value is 3.
Append Mode You can use this check box to control whether to add traces to the existing file at startup:
  • Selected: Traces are added to the existing file at startup.
  • Cleared: The existing file is overwritten at startup if a duplicate file name exists.

Hawk Sink Configuration Reference

A Hawk sink uses the HAWK session, which is created and used by the adapter for monitoring purposes, to send logging information to TIBCO Hawk. If you select a Hawk sink in the All Log Sinks panel, the log sink specific options are displayed in the Configuration panel.

The following table lists the options for a Hawk sink.

Name Description
Name Name of the sink.
Description (Optional) Description of the sink.
MicroAgent Name Name of the microagent for traces from this Hawk sink.

Network Sink Configuration Reference

A Network sink sends logging information on both TIBCO Rendezvous and TIBCO JMS. If you select a network sink in the All Log Sinks panel, the log sink specific options are displayed in the Configuration panel.

The following table lists the options for a network sink.

Name Description
Name Name of the sink.
Description (Optional) Description of the sink.
Subject Subject of TIBCO Rendezvous messages to be sent.
Session Reference Click Browse and select one of the sessions you have defined.

Standard I/O Sink Configuration Reference

A standard I/O sink sends messages to standard input and output. If you select a standard I/O sink in the All Log Sinks panel, the log sink specific options are displayed in the Configuration panel.

The following table lists the options for a standard I/O sink.

Name Description
Name Name of the sink.
Description (Optional) Description of the sink.
Output Stream Output information that is logged. The following values are available:
  • stdout: general output information.
  • stderr: error information.