Trace Messages Reference

In environments where multiple applications are used simultaneously, the possible status of messages increases as well. The trace messages are listed in numerical order with their fields and resolutions.

Status Code Role Category Resolution
AEADB-100001 Adapter starts to initialize.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-100002 Start %1 <%2>.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-100003 Start %1 <%2> with %3 session.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-100004 Adapter has started successfully.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-100005 Shutdown the adapter, current status is %1.
infoRole Adapter Check the database connection configuration or other configuration.
AEADB-100006 Start to reconnect.
infoRole Adapter Check whether the database is connected or not.
AEADB-100007 Reconnect successfully on attempt %2.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-110001 There is a same instance startup in the ip: <%1>.
warnRole Adapter Check if the same instance name is started by another agent.
AEADB-110002 Received duplication detection request from ip: <%1>, host:<%2>.
warnRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-110003 No service type matched with the service <%1>.
warnRole Adapter Check the transport type or the service type.
AEADB-110004 Adapter thread <%1> the field <%2> size <%3> is larger than adb.maxLongLen <%4>.
warnRole Adapter If you are not sure whether you want to stop the adapter, you have to check the data length. To stop the adapter, set the value of the adb.maxLongLen property smaller than the data length; otherwise, set the value to -1.
AEADB-110005 ADB adapter refresh connection timer is started.
warnRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-110006 ADB adapter refresh connection time out.
warnRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123001 TIBCO Hawk agent is found and agent implementation has been registered.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123002 Adapter connection test succeeded in startup.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123003 Adapter configuration is parsed.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123004 Adapter starts duplicate instance detection with the session <%1>.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123005 Create thread <%1> for %2 <%3>.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123006 Adapter termination event listener is created with session.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123007 Monitor advisory %1 with session <%2>.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123008 Adapter reconnection thread is started.
debugRole Adapter Check whether the database connected or not.
AEADB-123009 Create dispatcher for session %1.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123010 Publication Service <%1> preRegisteredListeners <%2> registered successfully.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123011 Subscription Service Thread <%1> CustomScaleForNumberType set successfully for Table Columns: %2.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123012 %1 <%2> Catalog:
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-123013 Thread %1 counts down the stop latch.
debugRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-130001 Adapter throw exception %1 when shut down adapter.
errorRole Adapter Check the error message and the configuration.
AEADB-130002 Adapter failed to create termination event listener with session <%1>.
errorRole Adapter Check the configuration.
AEADB-130003 Adapter failed to reconnect.
errorRole Adapter Check whether the database connected or not.
AEADB-130004 Adapter duplication detection error: %1.
errorRole Adapter Check if the message is null.
AEADB-130005 Adapter connection test failed in startup.
errorRole Adapter Check the configuration in the Design-time Connection tab.
AEADB-200001 Adapter receives one message from termination subject <%1>.
infoRole Adapter Check if the message is MdataEvent or MexceptionEvent.
AEADB-200002 Adapter will shutdown.
infoRole Adapter Check the logs and the configuration.
AEADB-200003 Adapter termination subject is disabled, so keep running.
infoRole Adapter Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300001 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> starts polling message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300002 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> publishes message on %3.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300003 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> publishes group message on %3.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300004 Start alerter for Publication Services.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300005 Adapter handles alerter message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300006 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> add one row into the group message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300007 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> begin to refresh connection.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300008 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> finish refreshing connection.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300009 Thread <%1> get space <%2>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300010 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> insert data into <%3>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300011 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> start to connect to metaspace <%3>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300012 Thread <%1> create space <%2>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300013 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> upsert data into <%3>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300014 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> delete data from <%3>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300016 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> update data in <%3>.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300017 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> receives one message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300018 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> receives one message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300019 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> acknowledges one message.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300020 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> illegal Group Size %3, Group Messaging disabled, Group Size set to 0.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-300021 Thread <%1> the space <%2> %3.
infoRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321001 Publication Service <%1> execute rvcm Advisory Updater...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321002 Publication Service <%1> RVCM Batch confirm %2 records.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321003 Publication Service <%1> Activate the Polling Timer.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321004 Publication Service <%1> Deactivate the Polling Timer.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321005 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute publishing table mini sequence selector...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321006 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute (ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS or ADB_L_DELIVERY) N -> S marker...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321007 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute publishing table selector...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321008 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute reference object selector...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321009 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute pub table updater...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321010 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> polling commit for DB2.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321011 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> batch update %3 records.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321012 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> polls records without polling timer fired...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321013 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute fault status updater...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321014 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> execute ’S’ to ’N’ updater...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321015 Execute listen_alert statement for alerter.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-321016 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> parses message.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322001 Publication Service %1 thread %2 Fetch child data from %3.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322002 Publication Service %1 thread %2 execute child selector...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322003 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> selects record data from source table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322004 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> selects record data from reference object table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322005 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> Start to fetch data from child table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322006 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> Finish fetching data from child table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322007 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2>: no record found...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322008 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> auto update status to 'N' statement is %3.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322009 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> auto update status effect data count is <%3>.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322010 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> the data does not exist in <%3> <%4>.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-322011 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> the old data in <%3> has changed. <%4> .
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323001 Publication Service %1 thread %2 Publishing Message Info:
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323002 Publication Service <%1> begin to initialization.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323003 Publication Service <%1> create data handler <%2>.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323004 Publication Service <%1> data handler <%2> starts...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323005 Publication Service <%1> create MTimer for rvcm batch confirm.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323006 Publication Service <%1> create MTimer for polling.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323007 Publication Service <%1> end to initialization.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323008 Create alerter for Publication Services.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323009 Initialize alerter for Publication Services.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323010 Configure alerter of %1 for Publication Services.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323011 Build listen_alert statement for alerter.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323012 Publication Service <%1> Activate the RVCM batch confirm timer.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323013 Publication Service <%1> Deactivate the RVCM batch confirm timer.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323014 Publication Service <%1> Reset RVCM batch confirm timer.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323015 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS or ADB_L_DELIVERY (DB2) N->S marker.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323016 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds publishing table selector whose ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS or ADB_L_DELIVERY (DB2) is S.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323017 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds publishing table mini sequence selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323018 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> binds (ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS or ADB_L_DELIVERY) N -> S marker...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323019 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds publishing table selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323020 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> binds publishing table selector, polling batch size is %3.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323021 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> constructs the instance based on the publishing table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323022 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> constructs the instance based on the source table.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323023 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds reference object selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323024 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> bind reference object selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323025 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> construct publisher endpoint.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323026 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2>: the group size is %3, the current size is %4.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323027 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> builds pub table updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323028 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> binds pub table updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323029 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> acquire multithreading semaphore...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323030 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> release multithreading semaphore after marking records...
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323031 Publication Service <%1> builds rvcm advisory updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323032 Publication Service <%1> binds rvcm advisory updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323033 Alerter configuration SQL: %1.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323034 Alerter clean up SQL: %1.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323035 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> build fault status updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323036 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> bind fault status updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323037 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> build ’S’ to ’N’ updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323038 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> bind ’S’ to ’N’ updater.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323039 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> acquire table lock in load balance mode.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323040 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> release table lock in load balance mode.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323041 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> build child selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323042 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> bind child selector.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323043 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> data: %3
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323044 Thread <%1> space fields: %2
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-323045 Thread <%1> space attributes: %2
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-324001 Publication Service %1 thread %2 throw exception %3 when initialize the DBLockMechanism.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-324002 Publication Thread <%1> throws exception %2 when acquire the table lock.
debugRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330001 Publication Service <%1> throw exception <%2> when create rvcm batch confirm timer.
errorRole Publication Service

Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.

AEADB-330002 Publication Service <%1> throw exception <%2> when activate rvcm batch confirm timer.
errorRole Publication Service

Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.

AEADB-330003 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when get table semaphore in multithreads mode.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330004 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when stop the adapter.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330005 Publication Service <%1> throw exception <%2> when create polling timer.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330006 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build pub load balancing marker.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330007 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build pub load balancing pub table selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330008 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build publishing table mini sequence selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330009 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when execute the mini sequence selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330010 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when bind pub load balancing marker.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330011 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when execute pub load balancing marker.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330012 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build publishing table selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330013 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when bind publishing table selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330014 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when execute publishing table selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330015 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when get dbTable whose name is publishingTableName.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330016 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when construct MInstance.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330017 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build reference object selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330018 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when bind reference object selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330019 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when construct minstance based on publishing table.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330020 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when construct minstance based on source table.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330021 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when construct minstance based on reference object table.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330022 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when fetch child data.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330023 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when construct publisher endpoint.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330024 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when publish group message.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330025 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build pub table updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330026 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when bind pub table updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330027 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when update entry status.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330028 Publication Service <%1> throw exception %2 when build rvcm advisory updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330029 Publication Service <%1> throw exception %2 when bind rvcm advisory updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330030 Publication Service <%1> throw exception %2 when deactivate the RVCM batch confirm timer.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330031 Publication Service <%1> throw exception %2 when reset rvcm batch confirm timer.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330032 Main thread throw exception %1 when configure alerter of %2. SQLSTRING : %3.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330033 Main thread throw exception %1 when build listen_alert statement for alerter. SQL String : %2.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330034 Alerter thread throw exception %1 when execute listen_alert statement.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330035 Alerter thread throw exception %1 when clean up alerter. SQL String : %2.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330036 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when manipulate fault status updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330037 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when publish single message.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330038 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when manipulate S to N status updater.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330039 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> failed to construct minstance based on source table because no data fetched from %3.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330040 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> failed to construct minstance based on reference object because no data fetched from %3.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330041 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> will cause adapter terminate because the Exception: %3.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330042 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when build child selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330043 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception %3 when bind child selector.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330045 Publication Service %1 thread %2 throw exception %3 when parse the message.
errorRole Publication Service Check the Publication Service configuration and data in the publishing table.
AEADB-330046 Publication Thread <%1> throws exception %2 when refresh connection.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330047 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when connect to metaspace <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330048 Thread <%1> throw exception <%2> when create space <%3>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330049 Thread <%1> throw exception <%2> when get space <%3>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330050 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when insert data into <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330051 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when upsert data into <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330052 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when delete data from <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330053 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when update data for <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330054 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> throw exception <%3> when format the <%4>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330055 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> failed to connect to metaspace <%3>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330056 Publication Service %1 thread %2 throw exception %3 when create queue connection to the database.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330057 Publication Service %1 thread %2 throw exception %3 when create queue session to the database.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-330058 Publication Service <%1> thread <%2> failed to initialize spaces on the metaspace <%3>.
errorRole Publication Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400001 Subscription Service <%1> receive one message.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400002 Subscription Service Thread <%1> receive a group message which contain %2 record(s).
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400003 Subscription Service Thread <%1> receive a single message.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400004 Subscription Service Thread <%1> start to handle the %2 item for the group message.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400005 Subscription Service Thread <%1> batch commit timeout.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400006 Subscription Service Thread <%1> %2 row(s) affected.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400007 Subscription Service Thread <%1> send reply \n%2\n to destination %3.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400008 Subscription Service Thread <%1> begin to refresh connection.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-400009 Subscription Service Thread <%1> finish refreshing connection.
infoRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-410001 Subscription Service Thread <%1> received its own message. Discarding.
warnRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421001 Subscription Service Thread <%1> start DB transaction.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421002 Subscription Service Thread <%1> commit DB transaction.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421003 Subscription Service Thread <%1> roll back DB transaction.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421004 Subscription Service Thread <%1> bypass one message.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421005 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the statement in cache cannot be reused.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421006 Subscription Service Thread <%1> call pre-commit procedure successfully.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421007 Subscription Service Thread <%1> create statement.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421008 Subscription Service Thread <%1> bind statement.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421009 Subscription Service Thread <%1> execute statement.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421010 Subscription Service Thread <%1> flush Bulk-Insert.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-421011 Subscription Service Thread <%1> no data change in the database.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422001 Subscription Service Thread <%1> Confirms %2 error message Success.
debugRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB_422002 Subscription Service Thread <%1> Confirming %2 message Successfully.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422003 Subscription Service Thread <%1> statement SQL: %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422004 Subscription Service Thread <%1> will do incremental operation for child records.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422005 Subscription Service Thread <%1> will do completion operation for child records.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422006 Subscription Service Thread <%1> insert the data %2 into opaque exception table %3.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB_422007 Subscription Service Thread <%1> insert the data %2 into exception table %3.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-422008 Subscription Service Thread <%1> start handle normal exception.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-422009 Subscription Service Thread <%1> start handle bulk insert error exception.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-422010 Subscription Service Thread <%1> finish handle normal exception.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-422011 Subscription Service Thread <%1> finish handle bulk insert error exception.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423001 Subscription Service Thread <%1> result of pre-commit stored procedure %2 is %3.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423002 Subscription Service Thread <%1> statement bounds: %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423003 Subscription Service Thread <%1> query related child records %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423004 Subscription Service Thread <%1> delete related child records %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423005 Subscription Service Thread <%1> cache statement %2 for table %3.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423006 Subscription Service Thread <%1> Message body: %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423007 Subscription Service Thread <%1> deactivate batch commit timer.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423008 Subscription Service Thread <%1> activate batch commit timer.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423009 Subscription Service <%1>, Message queue ID calculation time: %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423010 Subscription Service <%1>, Dispatching the message to Queue ID: %2.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423011 Subscription Service <%1> thread <%2> set empty string for column <%3>.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423012 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> prepare roll back the exception data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423013 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> handle <%3> of <%4> need execute data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423014 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> handle <%3> of <%4> error data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423015 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> handle <%3> of <%4> continue operation data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423016 Subscription Service Thread <%1> continue handle bulk insert data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423017 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> cache data size <%3>, start handle exception\n %4.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423018 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> exception cache data size is <%3>, executed successful data size is <%4>.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423019 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> handle exception data <%3> of <%4>.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423020 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> handle group exception data <%3> item of <%4>.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423021 Subscription Service <%1> Thread <%2> execute update count result %3.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423022 Subscription Service Thread <%1> handle Batch data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423023 Subscription Service Thread <%1> can't execute the statement because of the statement is null.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423024 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the single table opcode %2 is invalid, so discard the single message.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423025 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the parent table opcode %2 is invalid, so discard the message.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423026 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the child table opcode %2 is invalid, so discard the child table message.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-423027 Subscription Service Thread <%1> Service <%2> handle <%3> of <%4> need execute data.
debugRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-424001 Subscription Service Thread <%1> execute database statement successful count is <%2>.
errorRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-424002 Subscription Service Parse the <%1> date time string [%2].
errorRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-430001 Subscription Service <%1> received unexpected data %2.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data.
AEADB-430002 Subscription Service <%1> throw exception %2 when parse data %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data.
AEADB-430003 Subscription Service <%1> throw exception %2 when calculate queueID for data %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data.
AEADB-430004 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when check if the %3 is a kind of group message.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data.
AEADB-430005 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when create statement for Data %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430006 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when terminate adapter.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the logs and the configuration.
AEADB-430007 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when bind parameter to statement %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430008 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when execute statement %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430009 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when create batch commit timer %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430010 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when handle timeout event.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430011 Subscription Service Thread <%1> call pre-commit procedure unsuccessfully.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430012 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when serialize the message %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430013 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when activate batch commit timer %2.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430014 Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when deactivate batch commit timer %2.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430015 Subscription Service Thread <%1> handle [%2] : %3.
errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data or the table to determine whether you need this message to throw the exception.
AEADB-430016 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the exception table is not found.
errorRole Subscription Service Check if you set the exception table.
AEADB-430017 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the opaque exception table is not found.
errorRole Subscription Service Check if you set the opaque exception table.
AEADB-430018 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the child exception table %2 is not found.
errorRole Subscription Service Check if you set the child exception table.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when begin transaction.

errorRole Subscription Service Check the database.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> send reply %2 to destination %3 Error data: %4.

errorRole Subscription Service Check the message data.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when roll back transaction.

errorRole Subscription Service Check the database.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when set custom scale.

errorRole Subscription Service Check the custom scale.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> throw exception %2 when refresh connection.

errorRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.

Subscription Service Thread <%1> can't bing the statement because of the statement is null.

errorRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-430025 Subscription Service Thread <%1> the pre-commit procedure output parameter SP_TEXT is %2.
errorRole Subscription Service Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500001 RPC Service Thread <%1> receive data.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500002 RPC Service Thread <%1> reply message to %2.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500003 RPC Service Thread <%1> Database operated successful.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500004 RPC Service Thread <%1> receive one message.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500005 RPC Service Thread <%1> Reply Message body is: %2.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500006 RPC Service Thread <%1> begin to refresh connection.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-500007 RPC Service Thread <%1> finish refreshing connection.
infoRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-521001 RPC Service Thread <%1> begin transaction.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-521002 RPC Service Thread <%1> commit transaction.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-521003 RPC Service Thread <%1> roll back transaction.
debugRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-521004 RPC Service Thread <%1> execute statement.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-521005 RPC Service Thread <%1> create statement.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-522001 RPC Service Thread <%1> statement SQL: %2.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-522002 RPC Service Thread <%1> Confirming message Success.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-523001 Request-Response (Custom mode) Service <%1> initialize Operation <%2>.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-523002 RPC Service Thread <%1> statement binding data: %2.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-523003 <%1> Operation: %2.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-523004 RPC Service Thread <%1> do not found reply subject in the dateEvent.
debugRole RPC Check the configuration.
AEADB-523005 RPC Service Thread <%1> Statement Cached: %2.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-523006 RPC Service Thread <%1> Receive Message body is: %2.
debugRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-530001 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when create DB Statement for Data: %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530002 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when begin transaction.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530003 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when execute DB Statement %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530004 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when commit transaction.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530005 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when commit transaction.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530006 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when reply message to %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530007 RPC Service Thread <%1> Database operated unsuccessful.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530008 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when get DB procedure %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530009 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 create operation %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530010 RPC Service Thread <%1> throw exception: %2 when parse request %3.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530011 RPC Service <%1> received unexpected data %2.
errorRole RPC Check the message data and the operation logs.
AEADB-530012 RPC Service <%1> throw exception \n%2\n when refresh connection.
errorRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-530013 RPC Service <%1> throw exception \n%2\n when use attribute name %3 to get the value from the message.
errorRole RPC Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-600001 Hawk Method %1 is invoked.
infoRole Hawk Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-822001 %1 reconnect attempt %2.
debugRole Database Check the database connection.
AEADB-823001 %1 reconnect failed on attempt %2.
debugRole Database Check the database connection.
AEADB-823002 Reconnection thread will sleep %1ms.
debugRole Database Check the database connection.
AEADB-823003 Oracle client info set successfully in the connection of <%1>...
debugRole Database Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-921001 Advisory Handler receives RVCM Advisory on %1.
debugRole Advisory Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-923001 Advisory Handler looks for the matched Publication Service by subject %1.
debugRole Advisory Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-923002 Advisory Handler finds the matched Publication Service %1.
debugRole Advisory Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-923003 Advisory Handler does not find the matched Publication Service.
debugRole Advisory Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-923004 Received RV SYSTEM Advisory on %1 %2.
debugRole Advisory Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-930001 Received SDK error Advisory on %1 %2.
errorRole Advisory SDK error. Check the logs and the configuration.
AEADB-022001 Performance Status: %1.
debugRole Performance Normal operation; no action is necessary.
AEADB-024001 Exception: %1.
debugRole Exception Check the logs and the configuration.
AEADB-030001 Got SDK error in method <%1>: Error code: %2 Error Message: %3.
errorRole Exception SDK error. Check the logs and the configuration.
AEADB-030002 Refresh performance logging failed, please enable the performance logging when start the adapter.
errorRole Performance Check the logs and the configuration.