Working Through the SalesOrder Example

Both the salesorder example in the bw5 folder and the SalesOrder example in the bw6 folder show how to coordinate Publication Service, Subscription Service, and Request-Response Service in a BusinessWorks process to process a sales order.

The BusinessWorks process calls a stored procedure that adjusts the priority of the items in the sales order and calls a stored procedure that validates each item in the sales order. If an item is invalid, it is rejected and Subscription Service deletes the invalid sales item.

After importing the SalesOrder example in the bw6 folder, you can run this example in TIBCO Business Studio. However, after migrating the salesorder example in the bw5 folder and creating a new process to call the migrated process, the migrated process cannot be run in TIBCO Business Studio. This guide describes how to run the imported SalesOrder example in TIBCO Business Studio.

Note: After the salesorder example in the bw5 folder is migrated to TIBCO Business Studio, the following error is thrown in TIBCO Business Studio:

XSLT is out of sync with schema component properties

To resolve this issue, right-click the error value in the Input tab and from the pop-up menu click Show Check and Repair.

The following BusinessWorks activities are used in this example:
  • Subscribe to New Sales Order

    The activity receives a message containing a new sales order from Publication Service.

  • Insert New Sales Order

    The activity uses Subscription Service to insert the new sales order into the database.

  • Adjust Sales Order Priority

    The activity invokes the ADJUSTPRIORITY operation of Request-Response Service to adjust the priority of the sales order.

  • Update Sales Order Priority

    The activity uses Subscription Service to update the priority and shipping notes of the sales order in the database.

  • For Each Order Item (Group)

    This grouping has two activities. The first activity invokes the VALIDATESALESORDER operation of Request-Response Service to validate each sales order item. The second activity uses Subscription Service to delete the invalid sales order items from the database.

To work through this example, perform the following tasks:
  1. Creating the demo tables
  2. Starting the adapter
  3. Testing the example
  4. Cleaning up the Example