Certificate Creation

The following menu depicts the choices available when SSLUtility .exe is executed.

SSL Utilities Menu

1. Generate a Certificate Request

2. View a Certificate

3. Exit

Please enter your choice:

Selecting choice 1 to generate a certificate request prompts you to enter the following required fields to create the distinguished name of the certificate:
Parameter Description
Certificate Holder's Name The person for whom the certificate is made .
Organization Group or company with which the certificate holder is associated .
Organizational Unit Department within the organization .
City City of certificate holder .
State State of certificate holder .
Country Country of certificate holder .
Email address Email address of the holder of the certificate .
Certificate Request File Fully qualified file name for the new certificate request .
Private Key File Fully qualified file name for the new private key .
Private Key Password Password that is required to access the private key . The maximum value is 20 .

The utility then creates a certificate request and private key and places them in the files that you specified. These files can be forwarded to a certificate authority to request a certificate.

Note: The name s of the file and directory for the Certificate Request File and the Private Key File cannot contain any spaces; otherwise, the files cannot be created properly.