Access Control Parameters

A sample of the Access Control file, AccessControl.cfg, is located in the MFT Platform Server directory.

The following table lists the definition of each parameter:
Parameter Description
USERID Defines the local user ID. Either this or NODE/IPADDR must be specified. Both USERID and NODE/IPADDR can be specified. A value of DEFAULT indicates that this is the default value for a system.
NODE Defines the node definition. Either the NODE/IPADDR or USERID must be specified. Both USERID and NODE/IPADDR can be specified. A value of DEFAULT indicates that this is the default value for a system. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the IPADDR parameter. When defining nodes in this file, ensure that you use the proper case as these files are case sensitive.
IPADDR Defines the IP address in dotted decimal notation. Either the NODE/IPADDR or USERID must be specified. Both USERID and NODE/IPADDR can be specified. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the NODE parameter.
DESCRIPTION Defines a 32 -byte description or comment.
SEND_DIR Defines the default directory for files to be sent to another system. If this parameter is not defined, no default value is available for the files sent.
RECEIVE_DIR Defines the default directory for files to be received from another system. If this parameter is not defined, no default value is available for the files received.
COMMAND_DIR Defines the default directory for commands executed on this system. If this parameter is not defined, no default value is available for the commands executed.
SUBMIT_DIR Defines the default directory for files to be submitted into the z/OS internal reader . For MFT Platform Server on z/OS , you can also set this parameter to SUBMIT_HLQ. This parameter is required if SUBMIT_OPTION is set to ROOT or FORCE. This parameter is valid only for MFT Platform Server on z/OS. .
SEND_OPTION Defines the options for sending files. The valid values are as follows: ROOT - If a directory is specified, the directory is appended to the directory defined by the SEND_DIR parameter. FORCE - If a directory is specified, the directory is changed to the directory defined by the SEND_DIR parameter. The directory name defined in the request is ignored. The file name is appended directly to the SEND_DIR parameter. ALLOW - If a directory is specified, the directory is used. If a directory is not defined, it is changed to the directory defined by the SEND_DIR parameter. REJECT - If a directory is specified on a Send, the file transfer terminate s with errors. Otherwise, data is processed from the SEND_DIR directory. NEVER - The NODE , USERID , or IPADDR cannot send a file. USE - The directory name specified in the file transfer request is used. If no directory name is defined in the file transfer request, the Windows default directory is used.
RECEIVE_OPTION Defines the options for receiving files. The valid values are as follows: ROOT - If a directory is specified, the directory is appended to the directory defined by the RECEIVE_DIR parameter. FORCE - If a directory is specified, the directory is changed to the directory defined by the RECEIVE_DIR parameter. The directory name defined in the request is ignored. The file name is appended directly to the RECEIVE_DIR parameter. ALLOW - If a directory is specified, the directory is used. If a directory is not defined, it is changed to the directory defined by the RECEIVE_DIR parameter. Note : By setting ALLOW , files can be written to directories other than that is defined in the RECEIVE_DIR parameter. If a relative path (directory without a slash in the beginning. For example, tmpdir\filename.txt) is used for a remote file name in the transaction coming in, MFT P latform S erver place s files in the current directory where platform server is executing if the user has access rights. This is the MFT P latform S erver System directory. REJECT - If a directory is specified on a Send, the file transfer terminate s with errors. Otherwise, data is processed from the RECEIVE_DIR directory. NEVER - The NODE or USERID cannot receive a file. USE - The directory name specified in the file transfer request is used. If no directory name is defined in the file transfer request, the Windows default directory is used.
COMMAND_OPTION Defines the options for executing commands. The valid values are as follows: ROOT - If a directory is specified, the directory is appended to the directory defined by the COMMAND_DIR parameter. NEVER - The NODE , USERID , or IPADDR cannot execute commands. USE - The directory name specified in the file transfer request is used. If no directory name is defined in the file transfer request, the Windows default directory is used.
SUBMIT_OPTION Defines the options for submitting jobs. The valid values are as follows: ALLOW - The user can submit jobs. NEVER - The NODE or USERID cannot receive a file.