Installing in GUI Mode

In GUI mode, the installer prompts you for information regarding the installation environment, installation profile, and other such information.


You must download the product installation package. For details, see Downloading the Installation Package.

To install the product in GUI mode:


  1. Navigate to the temporary folder to which you extracted the installation package and double-click TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64.exe.
  2. In the Welcome page, click Next.
  3. In the License Agreement page, read through the license agreement and click I accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next.
  4. In the TIBCO Installation Home page,
    • If you want to use an existing installation environment, click Use existing TIBCO_HOME and click Next. This is the default option.
    • If you want to create a new installation environment for the product, click Create a new TIBCO_HOME, and click Next
  5. In the Installation Profile Selection page, by default, the Typical installation profile is selected. Click Next.
    • If you are doing a new installation, continue to the next step.
    • If you are upgrading from an existing installation,
    1. In the Upgrade Notice page, click Next.
    2. In the Preserve Current Configuration Files page, select the Preserve current configuration files checkbox, and click Next.
  6. In the MFT Platform Server Setup Info page , enter the following fields:
    1. In TCP/IP Port, by default, the value 46464 is provided. If you do not want to use the default value, specify a value between 1025 and 65535.
    2. If required, select the Create Command Center Node check box, and enter Node Name, Hostname or IP Address, and CC Port.
    3. Click Next.
  7. In the MFT Platform Server Service Account Info page, by default, Install under LocalSystem account is selected. Click Next.
    Note: You can also select Install under domain user account. For domain user account, you must know the domain name, user id, and password.
  8. In the Pre-Install Summary page, review the product and installation environment details. Click Next.
  9. In the Post Install Summary page, review the installation information. Click Finish to complete the installation process and exit the installer.