Examples of Using cfrprofile Utility

The following sample shows how cfrprofile can be used on a command line with short commands:
C:\>cd Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System 
C:\Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System>cfrprofile n:dataServerA r:kenny 
rp:apple l:john lp:orange prompt:NO

Responder Profile added for...
Remote User           = kenny
Remote Password       = ****************
Local User            = john
Local Password        = ****************
The following example shows a sample of cfrprofile by using the prompt parameter:
C:\Program Files\TIBCO\MFT Platform Server\System>cfrprofile prompt:YES

Enter a valid Node Name: 	dataServerA
Enter a valid Remote User: kenny
Enter a valid Remote Password:
Re-enter Remote Password:
Enter a valid Local User:  john
Enter a valid Local Password:
Re-enter Local Password:

Responder Profile updated for...
Remote User               	= kenny
Remote Password       		= ****************
Local User                	= john
Local Password       		= ****************
The above cfrprofile commands update a cfrprofile.cfg file with the following contents:
      	RemotePassword= 24c89e105efee2f3d2d84988a4140652b45d7345
         LocalPassword= 40562eb4d4fd437ab7d7b256221267b6c43da8fb8
The responder profiles can be listed or deleted by using the action parameter. The following sample shows how to list responder profiles:
cfrprofile a:list

 Local User		= john
 Remote User	= kenny