Provides information relative to the future execution of the particular file transfer after it has been executed once. This parameter has the following radio buttons:
- Don’t Repeat, Execute Once: When this option is selected, the file transfer is executed once, and then no longer attempted.
- Indefinitely: When this option is selected, The transfer is to be executed indefinitely (or until the current user or administrator deletes the job) and in accordance with the information specified in the
Start At field and in the
Interval field.
- Number of times: This option specifies the number of times the file transfer can be executed before it is removed from the queue. Valid values between 2 and 32767. Default is 2.
- Until: This option specifies the date, time and the day of the week until when you want to execute the file transfer.
- Interval: If you specify a Repeat option (with the exception of Don’t Repeat, Execute Once), this option is displayed. There is a drop-down list that provides the following selections: Daily 7 (Sunday to Saturday), Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually, Bi-Annually, and Every.
The panel changes if the option Every is selected. The Interval parameter adds two additional fields that you can use to indicate the frequency with which you want to repeat the transfer. The first field allows you to insert a number. The second field contains a drop down list which contains seconds, minutes, hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s) and year(s).