CFINQ Parameters

You can specify the following parameters on the CFINQ command line.

Parameter Alternate Specification Description
DAYS None Number of days to search

If SDATE and EDATE are both defined, this field is ignored. DAYS must not exceed 1826 (5 years). If SDATE is not defined, the start date equals the current date minus the number of days. If SDATE is not defined and EDATE is defined, the CFINQ program starts searching at the date calculated from (EDATE - # of DAYS) and ends at the EDATE date.

DESCRIPTION DESCR MFT Platform Server user data

This parameter defines the MFT Platform Server user data. When the DESCRIPTION parameter is specified, the CFINQ program search es for the MFT Platform Server log files and present s the detailed information for any transfers matching that description. A message is displayed on the screen if no transaction for the description is specified.


The ENDDATE defines the end date in the format ofyyyymmdd.

EDATE=TOD or EDATE=TODAY means today.

EDATE=YES or EDATE=YESTERDAY means yesterday.

If EDATE is not defined, the default value is TODAY.


This parameter defines the end time in the 24 hour format of hhmmss. The default value is 240000. If STIME is not defined, the CFINQ program searches for the MFT Platform Server transaction only within 000000 - ETIME period.

EXCEPTIONS EXC Status of the transaction

This parameter defines the type of transfers to select.

U = Unsuccessful

S = Successful

Default = Successful and Unsuccessful

IRFLAG IRF Initiator or responder records

This parameter defines the type of records to select.

B = Both

I = Initiator

R = Responder

Default = Both

LOCALFILE LF Local file name

This parameter defines the MFT Platform Server local file name.


This parameter defines the local user name (user ID). If you specify a user name other than your own, you must have security authorization.

LOCTRANSNUM LTRN Local transaction number

The LOCTRANSNUM parameter defines the unique local transaction number of the MFT Platform Server transfer. When the LOCTRANSNUM parameter is specified, the CFINQ program search es the MFT Platform Server log files and present s the detailed information for that transaction number. A message is displayed on the screen if no transaction for the LOCTRANSNUM is specified.

LOGDIR LOGD MFT Platform Server log files directory

This parameter defines the MFT Platform Server log files directory.

MAXXFER MAX Number of transactions to list

This parameter defines the maximum number of requests that are returned. The default value is 500. The valid values are 1 to 100,000.

PROCESS PRO MFT Platform Server process name

This parameter defines the MFT Platform Server process name.

REMHOST RHOST Remote system name

This parameter defines the MFT Platform Server remote system name. This can be a node name, IP name, or IP address in dotted decimal notation. Generic selection cannot be used for IP addresses.

REMTRANSNUM RTRN Remote transaction number

The REMTRANSNUM parameter defines the unique remote transaction number of the MFT Platform Server transfer. When the REMTRANSNUM parameter is specified, the CFINQ program search es the MFT Platform Server log files and presents the detailed information for that remote transaction number. A message is displayed on the screen if no transaction for the remote transaction number is specified.


The STARTDATE defines the start date of the search in the format ofyyyymmdd.

SDATE=TOD or SDATE=TODAY means today.

SDATE=YES or SDATE=YESTERDAY means yesterday.

If SDATE is not defined, the default value is TODAY.


This parameter defines the start time in the 24 hour format of hhmmss. The default value is 000000. If ETIME is not defined , the CFINQ program search es for the MFT Platform Server transaction only within STIME - 24 hour period.

TEMPERROR TMPERR Return temporary error records

This parameter defines whether temporary error records are selected.

Y = Yes

N = No

Default = Yes