Directory Name Used in Request

If the directory name is defined in the RECEIVE_DIRECTORY parameter and the FORCE parameter XE " Access Control Parameters:FORCE" is defined, the file name is extracted from the local file path in the request, and is appended to the directory defined by the RECEIVE directory.




The local file in the request is: c:\2005\accounting\tax.xls

The actual file name is: c:\sales\tax.xls

If the directory name is defined in the RECEIVE_DIRECTORY parameter and the ROOT parameter XE " Access Control Parameters:ROOT" is defined, the local file name (which can consist of a directory and file name) is appended to the directory defined by the RECEIVE directory.




The local file in the request is: c:\2005\accounting\tax.xls

The actual file name is : c:\sales\2005\accounting\tax.xls