Advanced Batch Template Definition

The Batch Template can be used to execute jobs on every modified file or a new file in the directory specified as the DNI directory. When the job specified in the Advanced Batch Template is executed, an email can be sent (if email notification is chosen). This email states that the Create Process is successful. This does not mean that the job is executed successfully. The results of the job executed are logged into the Event log. The output of the job is redirected to a file named FtmsCp.trc under the trace directory.
Note: The job is executed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory. Ensure that when writing your batch jobs in the event, you must change the directory in which the batch job is executed.
  1. Batch Template Tab

    Field Description
    Name The name used to identify this template.
    Comment This field is optional. A comment can be used to give more description to your template.
  2. Batch Job Tab

    1. Local Job

      This is the job that you want to execute when a file is placed in the defined DNI directory.

      You must input the whole command line for a particular job. You can specify the file name tokens as input to the command line. The following figure shows an example of the Batch Job Template being used to execute a job with variable parameters. The parameters entered are MFT Platform Server substitutable tokens for milliseconds and Julian date. When the input is specified as $(LocalFileName) , only the file name without its path is used as input. If the whole path is required , specify $(LocalFilePath)\$(LocalFileName).

    2. Local Identification

      The user credentials provided in the fields are used to run the batch templates.

  3. Notify Tab

    1. Local Only

      On Success: Select this check box to send notification to the local user when the transfer succeeds.

      On Failure:Select this check box to send notification to the local user when the transfer fails.

      Email: This is the email address to notify when a transaction is completed. It informs the user whether the transaction is successful or not.